206: The Skit Guys on Friendship, the Enneagram and Owning Your Part

Episode Summary

Episode Summary:The comedic duo The Skit Guys (Tommy Woodard and Eddie James) share how they have navigated 30 years of friendship, the ways the enneagram has made them better friends, and how owning your part gets you through the Tunnel of Chaos. Tangents included: Tim’s high school skit audition and a shoutout to an ex named Jill…
 Practice: Own Your Part

Episode Notes

The 10000 MINUTES Podcast is a weekly deep dive into the adventures and struggles of living out our daily lives WITH Jesus, not for Him. Also, we like to laugh. A lot. Maybe too much.. Ok, maybe too much.

Episode Summary:
The comedic duo The Skit Guys (Tommy Woodard and Eddie James) share how they have navigated 30 years of friendship, the ways the enneagram has made them better friends, and how owning your part gets you through the Tunnel of Chaos. Tangents included: Tim’s high school skit audition and a shoutout to an ex named Jill…

Practice: Own Your Part

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Show Notes:
Smells Like Bacon
Family Camp Movie


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Episode Transcription

People always talk about going through the tunnel of love, which is like this big, you know, wonderful swan that you get in like, the tunnel of chaos is this goose like a mad goose. You know, that you sit in the seats are, have like splinters in it, you know, you know when you ride it, it's gonna be painful, but you gotta go through the tunnel of chaos to get to the tunnel of love.

Everybody, welcome to the 10,000 minute podcast season two. It's so much easier to say it is than the experiment.

Yeah. I mean, for,

For you, for you , for you. Thanks guys. Yeah. So everybody as you're listen are watching. Um, when I start that thing, I, I'm trying to just mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Maybe make Chris laugh. You're trying to knock it out of the park. I'm trying to knock. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Swing. Say what? It's, hold on, hold on. I'm starting, I'm starting again. Hey everybody, this is Tim Timmons and you were listening to the 10,000 Minute podcast. We would, um, we're thankful that you listen, and Chris, what's your name? Hey guys, I'm Chris. Oh, you're so dumb. , what's your name? Hi, Moy.


. So, I love being the host and one of the co-hosts about this doula. Love . But see, ah, I don't know how to not be me.

But no one's asking you to know it's you.

Like George, our producers looking at me like, be different. I don't think, uh, you're misreading it. That guy. All the people, I think he's taking notes. , OHEY, Dookie. Okie Dookie. That's Spanish for whatever.

How many times can Tim offend my language in a day? .

You know what? Yeah. I guess that is your language. Yes. Guess what do you mean? Your guess? It's my first language. No, I'm saying Costa Rican. Okay.

I like it.

I like it. I was saying Costa Rica this summer where Yes, we've heard, we've heard about, we've heard. Okay, great. And when you say, Hey, hey man, hey, hey bro. You say, am I m a e? Maybe Ami, that's like, what's up bro? Cool. Okay. So that's Tico. That's Cro. Uh, Costa Ricans are Ticos. Cool. So guys, I've got a lot to teach you this week about Spanish in different cultures. So what's your culture?

I'm Mexican.

Okay. But Larry, I mean, they're, it's like in Costa Rica, cuz I was there this summer. Cause they have seven to nine provinces, Costa Rica. And then province is kinda like states and in different provinces they say different things. Like we say y'all down here in the south, but in California. Mm-hmm. or, oh, let me just say something real quick cuz speaking of a d d, um, if you're from California, you don't say Cali. You guys know that? Yeah, I believe that. I do. It's like Nashville, Vegas. Yes. . Who you from? N Vegas. Um, nobody in California, at least in Southern California calls it Cali. So when people from other places say, hell is Cali, I'm like, I don't know what you're talking about. Is that a, is that a cat? ? Is that some sort of food?

Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . See, in Oklahoma we have all of these like Native American named towns. Yeah. So only people from Oklahoma know how to pronounce them. True. So, and, and you may even think like, there's one and it's Peled just like Miami. Yeah.

Right. No, no, no.

It is not Miami. No, it's Miami. Right? Yeah. No one that's not from


Area gets there. So, you know, you know the locals

Guys. So if you're local and whatever town you are, , would you let us know how to pronounce your town name? That's right. It comment below. It's like phonetically, how do you, you remember like, you've to Boise. Yeah. And they're like, don't call it Boise. Yeah. They're like, call it Boise.

I'm from Owosso.

Okay. Watch your mouth. Right. Wow. Watch your mouth. I'm

From Houston. You only say it one

Way, . But in New York it's Houseton Street. Yeah, I know.

See, that's what I'm saying. In Costa Rica, there are different provinces that say things differently. So as I'm trying to teach you Costa Rican, right? Tegan? Yes. Or not everybody. We got the skit guys this week. And this is really funny. So the skit, guys, if you've not heard of the skit guys you should have and, uh, should have by now, they're just had a movie come out. Huge movie. Well, you you saw it. I

Saw it, yeah.

Then I lived it. . Yeah. Yeah. It's called Family Camp.


Yeah. And

You lived it. I did, yeah. . Yeah. I don't wanna give any spoilers away. Right. But they show up to this camp and then they wind up having to like, uh, share accommodations. Yeah. And you with another family. Literally like right after we saw this, we were going and doing this like, family thing and we show up and we have to share a accommodations with another group. And I'm, I, I was like on my phone trying to find a hotel. I was like doing all the things. Gosh. It was just like the movie. It worked out though. Just like the movie. Wow. Everybody's happy in the end.

. So no spoilers. Yeah, spoilers. Right,

Right, right, right, right. It's a Christian movie. What do you expect? Right.

Um, but it was good. It

Was good. I honestly, yeah. And I'm not the Christian movie

Guy. That's true. That's you were not the

Audience. Uh, I thought it was pretty good. That's awesome. Yeah.

So everybody, uh, this episode is really great. Love these two guys. I've known them for years, so it's fun to have them on the podcast. The skit guys. So it's Tommy Woodward and Eddie James. They were great. And, uh, enjoy. Hey, everybody with the 10,000 Minute podcast. Welcome. Um, to my sweet left. We've got sweet ammo, Donis. That's

Me. Hi.

Uh, then we've got Chris Cleveland

Over here. Hey guys.

Hot. And, and if you're listening on the podcast, you don't know where over here is, but I just pointed with my left arm to the left. We're watching a lot of basketball right now, so I feel like I should be a caller. Ooh, I like commentator. What is it? A color commentator?

It's a color commentator.

Color commentator. Is that a color or a collar? It's

Gonna work out.

Oh man. Longtime listener. First time callers for basketball. . I sure love the way they dribble.

They do. Wow. Look at that Jersey. Look. Costumes. Oh my gosh, this is so great.

So, to my hot, right? Yeah. Hot right. Uh, we've got Tommy Woodard.


And we

Got, I'm so glad you didn't say Woodward. There's so many people. Thank guys. Even though it says Woodard. Yeah. People are like Tommy Woodward. Tommy Woodward's. I have a heart house. Tommy Woodward have,


An Oklahoma thing.

I guess it is. It's Woodward. Oklahoma

Is an Oklahoma thing. You're right. That's usually where it happens. So, thank you.

P Hubs thinks that's a

Town dumbest.

There's a down a town called Woodward, Oklahoma.

Yeah. Yeah. So people will say, Tommy Woodward my whole life. When I graduated high school, my counselor do, I knew my name. Thomas Woodward. Oh man.

They say it still to this day. It's so funny. Hey, we got Eddie James and Tommy and Woodward in here. Yeah. It's just so funny. It's like right there. Anyway.

Well, I feel like you were trying to get your name in there, Eddie

James. Plug it in few times I'm

Out. Eddie James.

Hi guys. The dancer. The dancer.

And James is obviously a Texas thing.

It's really not . It's not. It's right.



It's more Dutch. More Dutch. But that's

Right. It's okay. Is Dutch?

Yeah, it's Dutch. Yeah. Are you Dutch? I'm not. Well I think there's some heritage Dutch


Yeah. Yeah.


James. James.

Yeah. Dutch. Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. Oh yeah. Makes sense. Jamestown with those people. Dutch, Oklahoma. Yeah. . Jamestown, Texas. This

Is perfect. That's what my grandma said. She did all the history. Yeah.

Yeah. Have you done that ancestry thing?

Yeah. Scary. Yeah. I come from Neanderthals traced it all the way back. Wow.

Yeah. I was $35. No, that's

Nice. I know. That's

Exactly right. Oh


I have relatives in Tennessee. I knew that. Yeah.

They stole from you. Wow.

Yeah. I'm not doing it just in case I commit a crime.


Know? I mean, it's like, I don't think I'm going to, but, but

Just in case.


What I committed a crime. You

Know what I mean? It's true. That's how they caught someone I know. Through the . Yeah.

You know.

Huh? But I love it. No one's offering it to Chris and he's like, I'm not doing it. . No one's asking you to take it

Though. That's fine. Oh my goodness. And I told, we had a conversation with my wife and I the other day. I'm like, I'm not doing it. Yeah. Because she wants to do it. So

This is recent. This is like, but

That would be a great podcast. Chris's, Chris's dna. Oh. Ooh. Like, I just wanna throw that out.

It's actually a movie. Done.


That's pretty good.

Well, we were two weeks late to the land run . Uh, we were, okay, let's, let's

Move on. You did the land.



Were we? I don't know where we were. Um, this, these are the skit guys. Everybody.

Yes, they are.

We're guys do skits.

I did not make the skit team in college and I've always been a little sad about that. And it hurt. Did I tell

You? Just tell you about No. It's

One of the only things I've ever

You auditioned for a skit team in college. I did. I did.

It was a skit. T troop.

Timmy. Come on. Ski troop.

I didn't, everybody he can call me Timmy cuz he knew me when I was Timmy.

Tim, Tim. No, it's okay.

Okay. You can, you can do that. Yeah. I tried out for a team at Point Loma Nazarene University, the Point Loma Players. Oh, point

Loma players. . Yeah. Oh, I'm sorry. It's probably a real thing still today. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He laughs so hard. Dude. I love players.

It's so, I was so excited. I was so ready. Cause I'm like, gosh, I love comedy. I mean, I think I enjoy being funny and just being dumb. And it's a

Christian thing.

Surely. Yeah. They should let me in and I can play the guitar.

Were they funny?

Yeah. So the, yeah, they were funny. And they were, I knew these guys and girls and I'm like, oh my gosh, this is a shoe in. How fun is this gonna be?

My college career is set. Right. The moments and the memories right here. Done. M's. Right

Here. Done. So Timmons gets in there, I'm like, Hey everybody, what's go in? I'm doing like all the cool

Stuff. I'm like all the best bits

Every, every time. And they're like, okay, cool. We'll talk to you later. I'm like, we talk every day. Like, what, what do

You think ? I see you in class.

Roommates, dummy. Oh. And I totally got denied. No.


I felt like today we'd talk about just grief again.

Rejection. Rejection that does, yeah. Your

Heart and friends. So how friends hurt Friends


Hurt friends. Hurt friends. Yeah.

It's a ripple effect of the friendship.

So anyways, I thought we could do a little skit troop stuff in here.

Like some improv. Just some improv. Let's, when

I say cat, what do you think? Mm.

Tack. See I just reversed it so I'm not doing it. Yeah. Yeah. Now there's another thing. Do you The allergies.

Okay. Yeah. Well, we've, we've nailed this so far. It's good you guys. So you, I mean, we met years ago. Mm. Through a gentleman that we don't love to say his name out loud of Douglas Fields. You

Say it three times. He appears . Doug Fields. Doug Fields Doug.

Um, so you guys just give us a little bit of what you do. So how long have you been doing this? You've been doing the, the skit guys for how many years? Yeah.

So as skit guys for about over 25 years. Wow.

Okay. Yeah. Wow. Yeah.

So a little while. Okay. Been best friends since probably 1987.

Six. Wow. Six. Yeah. So,

Wow. Ski was my best friend in 86. And then I started

Up into six . Wow. Summer of the eighties. Somewhere of

The eighties. Okay. Where was that? How'd that happen? In

Min, Oklahoma. I stole his

Girlfriend. Yeah.

Nice. I saw it all

Started Jill. Jill Stinking Jill. How'd that work out? Stinking Jill. They were in a musical called Annie. Get Your Gun. Yeah. Oh. And uh, yeah.

Was she Annie?

She was Annie, yes. Jill was Annie. Annie and I would, I played football. Wasn't very good at it, but I would go from the football field to the cafeteria slash auditorium. Uhhuh C Auditorium, right? Yeah. Mm-hmm. because every cafeteria, you know mm-hmm. Had little stage. I played Buffalo.


Cody, didn't you? I did play Buffalo.

Bill Cody. Yeah. In that same play.

Yeah. Well, I did, but then I got kicked out because I was, because I was in the foot on in the football team. I wasn't, again, I wasn't very good. It was more of a codependent thing. . Mm-hmm. . I wanted the guys, I wanted the football dudes. I wanted to get in good with them cuz it's Edmond. Right. So I had to get in good with them in ordered to maybe just dude, you know, do my carve serve on path later. Yes. It

Really, so the football team costumes were cooler.

. Yes. Lot of

Hard work.

Yeah. Yeah. But I thought, cuz then if I get to high school, I'm gonna be okay. Cuz the dudes, I'm good with the dudes. Right. Then I could do my own thing. Right, right, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not get beat up. Mm-hmm. So yeah, it was kind of tricky back in Edmond back in the day. So Yeah. You

Had to play the game. So

Anyway, Jill one day walking down the ninth grade hallway to her mother's car. Ooh. We hold hands. We would normally I'd do the swoop in, grab her hand. . Yeah. This afternoon She didn't grab my hand. Uhoh. Yeah. Back started sweating. Yeah. Ninth grade insecurities are popping out. What's going on? Mm-hmm. , peripheral. Looking down. Try it again. Body language. Just tight. Right. Oh, I really remember that going. What is going on with Jill? So like, did you have a bad day? What's going on? And she says to me, Eddie, I think we need to talk. Oh


You, you all do that. No, no, no.

But in ninth grade she has a good ending. . Ninth grade.

I still feel tension, right?

Mm-hmm. . Right. Boy

Kind. Annoy. I'm a fixer. I'm a fixer. What year is this? Ninth grade. 1985. 85. Yeah.

Who what A year.

What A year. I mean, I know Ghostbusters just came out. We were going to see she wants to talk about Yeah. Yeah. Ghosts. So and I would be the ghost. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. So she goes, I think we need to talk and so let's talk. And then she said, I think I like somebody else. And she's only been in this musical, this freaking musical. Like for two months maybe. Maybe

, maybe. Seriously guys, she's in Alive. Just hang in there. Yeah. It ends so good. Just hang in there.

But I literally no exaggeration. Cuz that's normally what Minister Sterile Stories do. This is no exaggeration. I said to her, I can't do anything if you don't like him anymore. But please tell me it's not that sophomore that's in the musical .


Tommy guy. Yeah. That Tommy guy.

Mm-hmm. . That Tommy


Yeah. Wow.

Yeah. Yeah. And what, but just divert. Yeah. What, what role did you play in

Oh, in, I played Chief Sitting

Bull. Yeah. Chief City

Bull. I don't think anyone does any UR gun anymore. . Oh they do? Oh, they do They do any Get your gun. It's so politically incorrect. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So you were a villain

Anymore in the real world and in the play. .

No, he's not a villa. He's good guy. He's a good guy in the play. Right, right, right.

Happy ending, ending. I'm, I'm still in it. Okay.

Soy on the wrong side. So Moy,

She's on teamed.

She said. I said, please tell him it's not that Tommy guy. Yeah. And Jill said it. Is that Tommy guy? A hundred

Percent. I broke up with her like a week later. Can't beat him. Join them catching release . Wow. Oh my gosh. That

Again. And then tell me how you're not the villain. Wow. Wow.

Poor Jill. I wonder where she's at now. Yeah. She, Jill, Jill broke up

With her like Yeah. Yeah.

Serious means him.

She, she loved Jesus and figured us both.

No, right. That's, that's fake news. Once Jill was outta the picture, we became best

Friends. We did. We did.

It was Jill. Jill was,

I do know when you were leaving, I helped you clean out your room at some point. Your, be your, like your childhood bedroom. Oh,

This was a great time. Were

You moving? How, how,

How does that relationship start? Huh? How did that relationship start? Like you are just the total douche that comes

In. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then,

And Kim buddies . Yeah. Uh, I think we both were. I think we both were. We both were. I mean, you kind attract what you are. Right.

In this story. Eddie is the devoted boyfriend. Right. Right. In this story, there's more stories. Both, there's

Other stories. Oh my gosh. Yeah.

No. Yeah. I, so you gotta fast forward the tape. Probably about five or six months, you know, and, and then all of a sudden we're, you know. Yeah. We're dudes. We're dudes. We're we're best friends. Best cleaning out each other's room. Yeah. I don't remember. Yeah. I don't know if I was moving our, it wasn't moving. I don't know what it was. But yeah. He was helping me clean up my room. And you

Find a card. A Christmas card. A Christmas card.

Yeah. From Jill.

I had the same Christmas card.

. No,

I had the same Christmas card. Jill. Jill, the three of us.

Jill's the real villa. Write the book, make the movie. I mean, I'll do the mean and greet.


Wild guy. It really

Is. I, I still, I can vividly remember going. That's so funny. What, what is this? You were playing. Cause I was like, you need, this is my Christmas. Could you take my card? Yes. Yeah. Chris, that's exact, it was like, what? What Jill just gave us both the same Christmas card. Oh, Jill. Yeah. Wow. Maybe that was the only card at the Dollar General. Right. Maybe that's all she could have. Yeah. It was a stack of 12. Yeah. She's just a


Do you need to say anything right now? If you're gonna look at that camera right now. Do you need to say something to Jill? Like, I, Jill, I feel felt blank when you

This is Jill. This is a care confrontation right


Yes. Yeah. We don't confront. We care front.

We care front. Um, Jill, whatever that meant. I'm sure there's a logical explanation. I'm gonna give you benefit of the doubt, but it still hurts.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good



Good. Thank you. Tommy, do you need to say anything to chill? Yeah.

Hey girl. . Oh my gosh. Yeah. Oh my gosh. How you doing? ? Well,

We do love that. Most of our podcasts are just dery for a good portion of it. Wow. And at some point tears will come, but just mostly just dery the whole time.

So That's so good. Yeah.

We do love that. That's awesome. The family camp.

Family camp. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Put that in front of Edge again in California. Sure. Them and I love, it's, it's the first faith-based comedy movie. First base families.

Yeah. First faith. First faith-based, family friendly comedy. Yeah. Let's


When I heard that, I was like,

That's a lot. Didn't. Yeah, it's

A mouthful. It's a lot that you're doing

It lot. Yeah. We are. Yeah. They've been dramas. The ones that have been in theaters have been dramas. Mm-hmm. , um, you know, and depending on what you think of, of 'em. But they've been dramas. Yeah. So we are not doing that. Yeah. And, uh, the onus was on us to try to make it family friendly, to make people laugh. Yeah. Uh, you still gotta point people to God. Um, we try to do that in not a heavy-handed way. Mm-hmm. , we not feel like there's just a hammer. Yeah. You know, or a not like, you know, here's a deal in the eighties. Okay. In the eighties,


Well, Jill , um, when he invited me to church and I, you know, I said, I said yes to, to Christ and all that stuff. It really was this thing. We started doing skits and youth group. And this was an eighties skit. Every skit in the eighties, you had to get to Jesus very quickly cuz it was really like, why are you, why are you doing this? Wasting our time. Yeah. I don't know what point Loma players was like in the nineties.

Right. . It's all a mystery. . But this, this would've been a typical what they're not like. Right. You were ahead of your time. You were cute. Thank you. This

Would've been a typical skit. Hey Joe, you seemed really sad at school today. I

Was very sad at

School today. You need Jesus. Thank you. You know, first bro. Yeah. That was

It. That was it. No matter

What the setting was, no matter what the scenario was, Hey dad, you know, you seem really sad. You're drinking a lot.

I drink a lot.

. You treat Jesus

. That was the skit.

You just switch it up to whatever the scenario is,

And then this is the end.

Et See, and some of the, you know, and some of the faith-based movies could be the same way in a little ways. Mm-hmm. like, you get to Jesus very quickly. Why? Because we have to. Right. Um, the only person that preaches in family camp is is the

Preacher. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's no preaching at the audience. I mean, these are just like, they're funny, but they're real flawed people living out life. Huh. That's cool. That's crazy's encouraging. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Love that. So people go check that out. We've already seen it. Do you guys wanna start in our notes? Oh, cool. We got,


Awesome guys. Yeah.

Please. Let's

Do this. There's times for

For revisions. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. It's not, it's not locked. Right. It's not locked. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. You can pull it from the theaters and put, give 'em another copy. I thought so. Well, we've got a couple cameras. . Yeah.

We we get that in the music world when just dumb humans and friends would go, this isn't like mixed or mastered yet, right.

. You're like, it's

No, it not. It's not. It can, but it's like going out to radio that day. You

Yeah. Last week. Yeah. And this, it's the question, what did you hear that gave it away? That it wasn't Yes. Your phone.

It wasn't, wasn't out there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

It's changed. Doing the vocals, redoing the vocals. , those are demo.

Okay. So's not even me. We did not see it. I just saw a few of the clips from it. Um, looks awesome. So I'm excited to see it and I trust you guys. Thanks.

We're excited about it.

Yes. I know that you would you well, I hope. And then if it's not, if it is cheesy, I won't say anything to you about it.

Please do. Please, please. Just text. No, just, just emoji. Just cheesy. Yeah, that'd be So you guys,

Cheese filter is really wonderful. . So I, I I I'm excited to see

This. Thank you. Thanks. We're excited about it. You really proud of it. Yeah. Good. Like, yeah. It's scary. It's like having a baby Totally. Like, seems healthy. Well, they think it's pretty, you know. Yeah. Yeah.

Mm. Yeah. We'll see. We'll see. And you know, we, I, you know, we, we mentioned Doug Fields and, you know, I think that I do come from the camp of Doug Fields of excellence and all that. That's how I grew up. That's what I, that's what I know. So I, I think there's always that thing in inside, uh, myself and Tommy and what our team and what we do is just to try to go, how do we do this differently? How do we, how do we still stay true to the message? But, uh, we, I I think we've always been that way. Yeah. You know, I, we're really still doing what we did in high school, those two kids in high school. Like, we looked at the skid books in high school and, and really, I don't think there was this articulate, you know, conversation of, well, we don't talk this way. This isn't us. Yeah. Why, why would we do this? How, why would we perform this? But we just pivoted and we just started doing stealing stuff from Saturday Night Live and trying to make it Christian. Right. Yes.


Really hard. Really hard to do. It's really

Hard. Really hard to do Christian.

But that's what we did back in the eighties. Yeah. Was just, let's steal stuff from Saturday Night Live and go to churches for gas money and chicken dinner. Yeah. And this feels right. This feels real. Yeah. And we can, we can convey things as far as scripture's concerned through this, but not through that. Yeah. You know, and God love them. Thank you for, you know, we get to ride their coattails. So I think that's what we're trying to still, still do to this day. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, you

Guys are so

Good. Here's this and here's that.

You're so, so effective with that.

Oh, you're kind, thank you.

Through the years. I mean, when I mentioned your name anywhere, everybody's like, oh, those guys. Yeah. I remember this. And people remember us like specific skits that you've done. So Yeah. Or sketches. Do you prefer to call 'em sketches? Oh gosh, no.

They're skits. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Scenes we had, yeah, we had, we've had conversations with other drama people that are offended that we call them

Skits. Right? Yeah.

We're like a name I start quoting Shakespeare.

Well, once again, Jill, if you're out there, the way that you have called Scenes and Skits. Okay. , strike that. Hey girl, . Um, we wanted to kind of hit two things with you. I mean, you guys also have a ton of books out there and you've got a bunch of crap out there. So go, go where you go to, you go, you gotta

Ski crap. Love you Tim. I love you's so great.

So can we quote you Ski guys have a bunch of crap out there.

Yes. You guys, Tim Timmons, Howard. Howard Tims. Yeah. Howard DITs to Tom Thomas

. Yeah. No, that Tom Thomas wouldn't be saying that. I'd be like, okay, let's go. But come on, . You were awesome. Yeah. You do have a bunch of great crap out there. Thanks. You know what, here's the thing with crap. And manure is the greatest fertilizer. Right? Thank

You. So you've

Really laid the groundwork, but you did the groundwork first was really good. Real good segue to grow Manure happens.

I want to, I wanna have an argument with you now just to watch you work those words. That's not what I said. What I meant was

masks. Okay. . Um, okay. I have so many thoughts. Okay. So we wanna hit two things with you guys Sure. In the next four minutes. Great.

Okay. Okay. Did we waste a lot of time? Oh, we're so sorry. You're

Doing great. I just, we we're talking to people that know stuff. Mm-hmm. . Okay. Um, and people that have a lot of experience in things. So we are all about, you know, the 10,000 minutes that are 10,000, 80 minutes in a week. Mm-hmm. , 80 of those minutes are spent in some church gathering, which is wonderful. Can be wonderful. Yeah. But there are 10,000 other minutes until we gather again. Not what do you do for God in those 10,000 minutes, but how do we just join Jesus in what he's already doing? Mm-hmm. in life, in real life. I think we've, we've all had so many conversations with people that when they talk about God and Jesus, it's just not in real life. Like somehow it's in this utopian Christian thing that you go, Nope. That's, I don't think it works like that. I'm sure it does from the front as we're giving this message.

And what you guys do with your skits is you're really putting this stuff into real life, which is so beautiful. But I wanted to get into friendship with you, and I know you have a book on friendship. Great. Um, and just on your friendship, but like, so I wanted to get in that and just into humor. Great. Uh, cuz I think you, you understand both these things and how do, we're just always trying to figure out how do we do these things with Jesus. Mm-hmm. . So in your friendship, what have been some of the things that you guys have learned? And as you're going around life and meeting people, what are things you learn about Friendship?

It's a lot.

Sure. There's a better way. I could ask that.

You know, um, we did, you mentioned our book. We wrote a book called Smells like Bacon. Yep. Mm-hmm. . And, um, yeah. We, we have been friends for over 30 years. We, we acknowledge that's not normal. Like, cuz it's not that we're Facebook friends, like we're real life living together. Mm-hmm. , we don't live together. But doing life together, meeting up, constantly working together, ministering together. Like that's a lot of time to mm-hmm. to spend with your friends. So what we've realized is over those 30 plus years, apparently we've figured out how to do it. Mm-hmm. , you know, and so there's a lot of stuff

In there. What does intentional friendship look like? Yeah.


Because I'm sorry, one more caveat. I don't think we're good at friendship. Yeah. Right, right. Yeah. And that's probably why you're writing this book, but

Nobody, men or

Women are not really

Great even. Yeah. Yeah. I think women are alone. Yeah. I, I think there's a, a loneliness, um, that, that seems to just fetter and breathe. I think social media's done a lot of that. We, we look at pictures and we compare ourselves and we create the own, we create our own story of like, wow, they just seem so happy. And they seemed all together. And it kind of makes us even a little bit more inclusive. Um, I, I do know with Tommy and I, over the years it's been, and I don't know how it's worked. I'm probably more of the confronter. I'm probably more, no, no, no, no. We gotta deal with this stuff. We gotta deal with it. We gotta deal with it. And he would be more the avoider. And then I think, you know, than it flips and it flips and flips.

You know, and the only thing that we, we get to say, the reason why we get to work things out is because we were together this long. Right. So in that relationship, um, there have been things that have come up, like, uh, there would be a mantra left for us, us is we never leave a man behind. So, like, you're never gonna see one of it. Like, I will not leave this room until he leaves this room. Like, I would just not go out and get out and, you know, get in my car. Like, however that works, whether in front of a thousand people or four, whatever, we're gonna go together. Right? Huh. We never talk about each other behind or back. Like, you will never hear a joke being said that isn't, uh, derogatory or anything. Like, we're gonna talk things out. You know, scripture says you don't, you don't stab a person in the back. You stab him in the front. You're gonna talk about hard stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Um,

Yeah. Like, like we will be someplace and somebody will say, Hey, hey, let's do this to Ed when he comes in. You know? And it may be the funniest thing ever, and I may think that would be hilarious, right. But I go, no, because the joke is not worth the friendship, you know, and those jokes that, I mean, if you may have that kind of relationship with somebody, you know, it, it's a value to us for him to never second guess me. And for me to never second guess. Oh, that's good. Wow. You know? So you gotta protect it. We, we have something that we call the, uh, uh, Eddie's so great at this. Uh, I hate it, but it's really helped us a ton. You know, and that's called the tunnel of Chaos. You know, people always talk about going through the tunnel of love, which is like this big, you know, wonderful swan that you get in like, the tunnel of chaos is this goose like a mad goose. You know, that you sit in the seats are, have like splinters in it, you know, you know, when you write it, it's gonna be painful, but you gotta go through the tunnel of chaos to get the tunnel of love. And the tunnel of chaos is when you, you know, we'll look at each other and go, Hey, I'm, I'm, I'm sorry, but I, I gotta go. We gotta go through tunnel

Chaos. Tunnel chaos. We'll say it. Let's go through, we gotta go through the tunnel here. Suck.

What's up? Yeah. Mm-hmm. . And

What you, I don't want to know.

The goal is to get through the other end. Yeah. Like, it's not, the goal is not to fight. It's not to get your way. It's to, to deal with the chaos and the friendship so that you can get through the other end and go through the tunnel

Of love. You know, you talk about the engram, I'm a three mm-hmm. . So I'm very driven, very goal. Very see the future. Mm-hmm. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. I think what's fascinating in our, in our, on our staff and with our people in our friendships, it's so crazy. Just for example, because we've been living this way. Like, like Jay right there, like, there was one time like, you know, there was a, there was a situation and we're on the phone. I'm like, I'm a three, so I would go to nine. Like, I don't, I just like, and I find myself as I get older, I don't wanna confront, I don't like, I, no, I'm done. I'm done. I'm done, I'm done. I'm done. Right. And he's the guy going, no, no, no, no, no. We're going through the tunnel. We're going through the tunnel. So, you know, I'm like, no, I don't. I don't want to. I don't want, and like five years ago, I would love to go through the tunnel. Yes. Let's go through the tunnel. Let's do do this. And now I'm like, I don't, I'm, I'm hanging up. I'm hanging up. No,

You're not. No, you're not. Why, what, what happened where that kind of pulled you back from? Um, I What, what'd you get to that made you kind of wanna pull back a little? Tim?

I think it's like 30 years of just, just Yeah.

You know, I mean, Saddleback to this, to this to like, I think I've always been, because I'm a three. There was something beautiful about just, you're just around all these machines of ministry, right. And I loved it. Like, I could sit here, here, I could sit here and talk to you about product and what Rick did, what Doug did. I could sit like that wave right there. That's my whole life right there of catch another wave, catch another wave, go, go, go product like I could. That's my whole life. And so I'm 51 years old now, and I'm like, oh God. Like that's a lot of dancing. That's a lot of, that's a lot of doing the dance to get a hug. That's a lot of, yeah. Hey, look at me. Aren't I pretty? Which I'm not. Right? So, so you kind of just like, no, no, no.

Like, and, but I think it's beautiful. I love that we do that, but on our movie, because we are all on, on the set for those 25 days because we all know. And, and for sometimes it's like, Hey, let's not do that. Da da da, dah da da da da. And, and for you, you may watch that and go, oh my gosh, that looked horrible. I mm-hmm. , I just peed my pants. Right. And for us, it's like normalcy. Right? We started noticing on the other end of things, people don't confront things. People will mm-hmm. will hedge people won't take onus. That's another thing. Taking onus, an apology is very simple. Mm-hmm. An apology is like, I'm sorry I did this. You're not apologizing for everything, but we take on onus for our crap. Our team takes onus. Mm-hmm. , we, we notice that other people don't. Well that was their, you know, blame it. Defend it. Defer it. Right. So, anyway, to long question you can add to it, but like, I just need like five things that we literally live out of our lives. Yeah. Daily. Yeah. Yeah. Like, those are part of our infrastructure.

A lot of those seem like practices you had to figure out mm-hmm. . And to be able to do that with each other. What kind of things did you have to figure out for yourself? Like, how self-aware do you have to be to know, like, oh, I've gotta, I've gotta apologize from my crap here. Or even even notice when it's you or be okay when someone calls it out in you.

Yeah. I think, you know, I would say I, I can't speak for everybody's friendship or whatever. I think between Eddie and I, like we talk about the Indian room a lot. I think that was a great, that was a great tool for us. Yeah. I, I think we, once we realized who the other person was and who we are, you can take ownership for it and go, oh, that's why like, like we, I'm a nine, so you know, everything.

This isn't my wife and i's relationship 3, 9, 3

And nine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

And, and so, you know, I'll leave here and go, everything I said didn't matter, you know, but at the same hand, we can look back at our relationship and, um, we'd get somewhere, uh, the plane would land and something wouldn't be going right. Mm-hmm. and Eddied be like, ah, this makes me so mad. You know, you know, and I'm just sitting, look

At this schedule. Look what they did. We're, we're here, we're right before intermission. This sucks. This isn't gonna, yeah. Don't they know, don't they know we can't do this? This isn't the

Excellence. I would've no feelings about it. I would probably go, I'd probably be like, Uhhuh. But what he heard, he didn't hear Uhhuh. He heard, you're right. It is, it stinks. You know? And so, like, as we've learned that about it, he looks back at it, you know, we look back at it and we realize I had no feelings. I didn't know if that was right or wrong. Yeah. I don't, didn't even know what I want. You know, Uhhuh, . And so I think learning about each other helps a ton. Mm-hmm. , even when you're going into the tunnel of chaos, like I've learned, oh, I don't like going into the tunnel of chaos cuz I'm afraid I'm gonna ruin the relationship. You know? Mm-hmm. . Right. And so once I learned that, I go, oh, there's gonna be times I have to say, let's go into the tunnel of chaos, you know, and be good with it. So I see the value in it now because I understand myself a little bit more. So I think there is a, there's a real key to self-awareness. I think that's super important. Yeah. And most people, most of their lives so unaware of who they really are.

Right. So is there a practice I love? That's a great question. And you know, at 10,000 minutes, we're always looking for practices, things we get to join Jesus in mm-hmm. . So is there a practice to that that you did or fell into or stumbled into?

Oh, I think like at some point, you know, and, and Eddie mentioned Jay Jay's the one who introduced me to the Jays

And gentlemen in the room right now.

And gentlemen, amazing. A lot of the few,

Few of us,

Lot of books you've read in life were


His words published by him.

No. Um, but, uh, he introduced me to, you know, Richard Roars discussions on Enneagram, went through all of those, you know, and then we went through all of them. I think that was a big deal. Like learning that, not learning the pop culture Enneagram, you know, that says, look at me, I'm a seven, so I get to do that. You know,


Don't do that cuz I'm a four. Right. You're such a

Five. I mean, the whole idea behind the Enneagram is identifying your go-to sin and going, I can't live out of that. You know? And so, like for me as a nine when I feel like the sky is falling, I know, uh, I'm going into six now, I tell myself, the sky's not falling, the relationship's not ending. And I gotta power through. And I realize that if I'm in a healthy place, I'm going into three, I realize my words matter. You know? Mm-hmm. . So I think it's for all of that, it's like learning that about yourself. So I I, for me, it would be that Yeah. And Eddie was way more, and still is way more self-aware than I am. And, or, and, and probably more than I ever will be, you know? Right. I mean, before we learned anything about Enneagram, Eddie Eddie's read more books to try and make himself a better person mm-hmm. than I'll ever look at in a store, you know? Mm-hmm. Um, so I, I think that's huge though. It's

Beautiful. Yeah. I, I, I

Remember you did not talk to, you said great things. Thanks.

Thank you. Appreciate that

. You acknowledged him. You heard him, you listened to him. Yeah. I see you. That's good. I, I remember before we read the Ina Graham, uh, on with our staff, it really was the thing. I'm like, Hey guys, we need to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. We need to, you know mm-hmm. , you know, and then he punches up with a joke, you know, and then like one, this was before the engram and I, and I look back and I go, oh my goodness, what I must have put him through. But like, this was 2015 and I said, this is the year of Tommy.


Is your year. This is the year of Tommy. I need, you don't get to be the good uncle. And I'm the mean dad, , you have to step up to the plate. I cannot be the confronter on everything. Yeah. And you get to just, oh, we love Tommy so much, cuz he's so funny. So you have to step up to the plate. Yeah. But I think back to that going, I was making him do something that wasn't in his dna N yeah. In his soul, in his personality to confront, to just tell everybody, this is what I think. Because he feels at the end of the day, he's gonna ruin every relationship. And so Uhhuh , it's a fascinat. Like, I even think about that in my threeness going, you need to do this. And going, oh my goodness. Like I apologized. I'll tell you this, with the 10,000 minutes that we have or whatever. Um, we read, maybe a decade ago, we read this book called The One Minute Apology. Oh,

Every, everybody should read that book.

If you have those many minutes, it, it's toilet reading. It'll take you minutes to read the one minute apology. It'll change your life. It'll change a company's life. It'll change a team's life, because it really does, I'm just blown away how we don't apologize to take the onus and to go, I, and, and not for everything, but to go, I did this. Mm-hmm. , I hurt you this way. That's on me. Mm-hmm. , you know, we'll joke, we'll always say onus on me. Onus on me. Yeah. But there's truth to that. Yeah. Onus on me on this and that. But I think that makes you a better person. What's,

What's the bottom line of that book?

Take ownership. Yeah. Take, take ownership. Don't, again, don't apologize for everything, but take ownership of what you did in this relationship. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. And, and, and hopefully you're gonna find friendships and relationships that'll receive it. Yeah. Accept the, uh, you know, accept whatever their part is as well. And you both move on together. And that's freeing. Yeah.

Mm-hmm. , right? Yeah. And, and then an apology should always cost you something like, like, like to apologize to someone. There is a cost to it. And you just have to acknowledge that. Meaning we throw away apologies. Hey, sorry about that. And I move on. Right? Yeah. Well that didn't cost me anything. Those are just words, you know, apology cost me, it cost me taking responsibility. It cost me. And, and sometimes it's like, if I can literally do something to make it better, then I'm gonna do what I can do to make it better. Right. You know? Yeah. I mean, it's a fantastic book.

Or thi and think about this. Just, I don't want to, uh, or the way we apologize. Well, I'm sorry that you felt that way.



That's right. Hey, I'm sorry, but mm-hmm. , I mean, just cancel, cancel. I'm like, like you feel like you feel like nothing. Why did I bring it up? Oh, I feel like such a fool. But even the way we apologize nowadays is really detrimental to the relationship. Instead of going, I'm sorry I hurt you. Those were, those were horrible words and I don't know where that came from. Mm-hmm. . And I'm gonna have to work on that. I'm really sorry. Yeah. That's on me. You know,

I, I have a relative that I will mention their name cause I don't wanna hurt their feelings that they'll never listen to this cuz they're too old too. But Jill Yeah, it's Jill . But like, every time something happens, it is always, well, I am so sorry you felt that way. And

I walk

Away just feeling like garbage, you know? And they're not apologizing, you know, they're sorry that I'm an idiot, you

Know? Yeah. And that's so, so yeah, totally. Sorry, you're so weak. Yes.

No, that's exactly right. Yeah.

It does cost us thinking about, sorry, Moy. Um, good. You go.

No, I just wanted to say, I, there's beauty obviously in all these practices, but there has to be a point where you realize this person is worth my time and I value them. Right? Yes. A lot of people have a different view of what friendship is, therefore, sometimes they don't have any of it at all because of the way they think they want it, they need it. I'm currently in a situation with a few of my friends who are like, we're never gonna move forward because I think we have different views of friendship. So for you guys, when did you know, no, this person's worth it, and therefore I am going to practice these things with him.

It's great.

We get into these friendships and we get into it with what's in it for me. Right. And a friendship was never meant to be what's in it for me. Like, like, you know. Yeah. David didn't love Jonathan for what's in it for me, . Because Jonathan really, I mean, he helped him a little, but there's a lot he didn't do for him, right? Mm-hmm. , you know, and vice versa. So I, I think you, you have those people and, and every relationship is not gonna be a relationship that that lasts, you know? Right, right. When, you know, I don't know how to say when with my friend Eddie, because I always loved him. Like, like, well no, when he was dating Jill, but after Jill was outta the picture, you know,


Quiz. No one loves Jill.


Yeah. I always, if if you look

Jill, you were

Loved . If you looked at our yearbooks, like we would go through my senior year and we had all these characters that we would play, whether it was at school, nobody's watching. No, nobody's watching. We're just doing characters. Yeah. All right. You know, and, and each of us signed our yearbook as all of those characters, you know? Ah-huh. . And those people don't exist, you know? Um, but, but I don't understand life without Eddie. Like. Right. You know, I mean, I, I don't really know how to define when was that moment that it was like, oh yeah, you know, it's, it, it always has been mm-hmm. , you

Know mm-hmm. mm-hmm. and more like, you know, with my daughters, I, I, I will say this, this, this relationship, this relationship. I remember one of my daughters were, were driving somewhere after church or something. And, and my oldest goes, Hey mom, Eddie has Tommy. Who do you have? Huh? And she went, well, um, I don't, I don't have that. And, and my oldest went, oh, it's, and I don't know if she meant to, she's, she would be an eight mm-hmm. she'd, you know, sh


Which is a beautiful human,

Beautiful human just asking, um, yeah. She'd like, and she's utterly said it whether she realized or not. Oh, that's really sad. Mm-hmm. You know? Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And it is, it's, you know, I also think this friendship and relationship like my oldest, um, you know, oh my gosh, look at the, look at the beauty of this. I want that mm-hmm. . And so I've watched my oldest too go through a lot of friendships to try to automatically attain this. To find it. Yeah. And I have to keep telling her, sweetheart, it's the seesaw, it's the up and down. You're, you're in some of these relationships mo like what you may be experiencing. You're the one going up and you're the one pushing down. You're the one using your legs and you're using, cause you're your whole body on the seesaw and they're just talking and they're just letting you do all the work and Yeah.

And it's not a seesaw. It's not a seesaw friendship. And I, and I try to tell that to my daughter, like, love, I don't know if this is a great seesaw friendship here, you know? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It is. It's this. And, but, but, but, but, but, but until they get to the point of like, oh, but I also think she has in the back of her head, I want this. Right. You know, and that just takes tons of time. Right. And a person to, I I, you know, I used to say, I used to with people, I'd go, well, you, you, you, you can't give why you don't have. And I think that's true. I think you're gonna find out a lot of people, they can't give what they don't have, even though you're going, oh my goodness, if you would just do this or if you do this mm-hmm. ,

You go, you can't give what you do have. But if you're in a relationship and you know, they, they know what moi likes. They know your love language. They know your heartbeat and your soul. They're gonna go, yep, it's not me, but I'm here. We go Mo, cuz I, I'm, I'm gonna do this seesaw with you. Mm-hmm. , I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna use my energy. I'm gonna do whatever I need to do. Mm-hmm. . So I don't believe you can't give what you don't have. I, I think we live in it, but I do think if we really care about that other person, we're gonna get on that seesaw friendship and we're gonna use our leg power. We're gonna use our energy to make this a great relationship. Yeah.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

. Yeah. I, I think it's important too to say like, you have life outside of your closest friends mm-hmm. , like, like we can go, we can go a long time Yeah. And not talk. Yeah. You know, um, particularly when Eddie lived in California and I was living in Texas, like, we go months Yeah. Without talking, you know? Um, and to this day, but there's still that deal. Like, you know, we, we did a whole bunch of traveling a couple of weeks ago. Like we were together constantly. And then when we weren't together, we were doing zoom meetings, you know? Yeah. Mm-hmm. . But like, we parted ways and like the next day I got a text from me going, uh, why do I miss you? I don't understand that. Mm-hmm. You know, and, and I will likewise, you know, I'll get in my car to drive to the airport to go someplace else and I don't want to go anywhere, but it's, the second I see him, I go, oh yeah, this is great. Yeah. Mm-hmm. , you know,

And it, it seems like because of so many tunnels of chaos, is that correct? Mm-hmm. , I mean that, that's a good marriage. I mean it's, it's, that's actually what makes a great relationship is the, the amount of tunnels of chaos that we're going through. I mean, to get real, the amount of manure that we're walking through that will actually make something grow beautifully or not. Yeah,

Yeah. Yeah. That, that's a, I know it's out of a business book, but we even say that with one another. Hey, can we put the crap out on the table? I mean, think about in the business meeting, if you put a pile of crap on the table Yeah. It's nasty, it's ugly, it's smelly, but you're gonna dissect it because you care about each other so much to walk through this stuff. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Walk through the crap. And we'll even say that. I mean, we do have little things, little things that we say to each other in our world. Mm-hmm. , Hey, can we put the crap on the table for a minute? And like, okay, here we go. And you're really good going through tunnel chaos to deal with Tokyo with the all

The crap. Mm-hmm. . Yeah.

Mm-hmm. . But anyway. Yeah.

But it's awesome that, that's part of your story. Like, I think many dream up their marriages and their relationships with their kids and not many, many dream up their communities and like what friendship could look like in their lives and so doesn't have the same value as all these other things. And so you find a lot of women and men waiting to be married cuz they don't have anything else in life when there's people around they could truly participate in life with and find something as rich as this. Yes. And commit to something as rich as this. And so it's not a waiting period. Right. But it's how do, how do we help ourselves and others rethink the value of friendship. Mm-hmm. So we can practice enduring the tunnel of chaos and, and things like

That. And you have to say yes. Like we even talk about that in our book. Like, um, you gotta say yes to coffee dates, you gotta say yes to. Yeah. I'll, I'll go to the movies with you. I'll, I don't really know who I'll, I'll, I'll go, I'll go eat a dinner with you. Like you gotta say yes and, and you, and even in the back of your head, you gotta go, this may not, this may or may not. Here we go. Yeah. Right. Expectations gonna have none. Right. Here we go. And through the saying yes is when you find the beauty But there, there may be some Yeah. Ones that don't work out as well too.

It's, so, it takes two people. I mean, like, gosh. I mean, if, if we want to throw the best cliche of the day, I think I just nailed it. Like, switch. It

Takes two baby, it takes two baby . That's

Awesome. Uh, but it, it really, I mean, just in all these things, if you've got two people who are willing to say, okay, we're gonna, now, you know, I think of my, my, my father-in-law who is a biologist mm-hmm. , and every time we're hiking with the kids, he's like, Ooh, you guys, look at this scat right here, this . This is from a beaver from Kansas. You know, it's like,


It has a terrible such of humor. A smoker. Yes.


So, I mean, literally he will like, get a little stick and like, go through and see the pellets and they're like, well, this scat was because, you know, a cat, whatever. And, but it's, it's really two people who are willing to say, okay, yeah. So let's do this. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, I love the idea of the, um, friends of years ago of, of like putting a glass box in between you two, and you're almost just putting this, it's almost, you know, putting the scat in a glass box and going, Hey, let's just look, let's just observe it for a second and not take it in as like feelings or emotions, but just kind of, just give it space. Just observe and go, huh. Yeah. I can see how that was probably from last night's dinner. I can see where that's from versus taking it internally. Yes. So when has it gone bad with you two? And what was, can you think of any recent moments, , that we need to actually go through it right now? That's what a


That was actually what your whole team said. Hey, guys, talk about most recent

When steroids are involved. Yes. That's when it's

Not good.

Yeah. When I'm on steroids for something, it's really good. He's crazy . Oh my gosh. And I'll even be so aware of going, okay, whatever, whatever. I'm sick. Whatever I have, I'm aware that I don't need to talk to anybody. Not

Eddie anymore.

You're Teddy. There's like,

Yeah, I'm Teddy, Teddy. There's like that 6, 5, 4 3

Terrible. You know what I'm talking about? .

Oh. Like, yeah. Like, I would tell, like, Hey, I'm on steroids, y'all just need to leave me alone. Yeah. And I won't mean to do it, but I was

Like, , there's like this. Nah,

All this stuff, like,

This is Sparta,

Huh? Yeah. Um, yeah. Yeah. There's been a couple of those where I couldn't help, I couldn't help myself,

Just couldn't help myself. Chris knows it's a drones man. Chris is the same way. You know, you're like, I know that I can't be around people right now. Like,

That's, I, yeah, but that's a self-awareness thing. Yeah. Like, and it's taken a while. Yeah. But I'm like, ha, I'm gonna be a

Jerk. Yeah. I'm gonna,

I'm gonna hurt you. Yeah. Yeah.

And I need to, I need to walk away

, but I, it's so beautiful when I

Yeah. Oh yeah. That was like, so good. Where were we the other day? We're on a run, and, and I was, I was like, Hey. Oh yeah. I'm actually like, I, I'm thinking I'm mad right now, and we need to go do something, you know? But I said that out loud. Yeah,

That's good. That's beautiful. That's good. That's huge. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

, I remember, I don't know when it was, and I, I don't ever really talked about this. Ooh,

This. Hey man, who watch this as the nine. I'm, so, should we go zoom in on the lens? Zoom in on the lens. I

Can't remember what it was. And this may have been goodness gracious, eight years ago. I don't even know mm-hmm. . Like, it's been a while. I, I haven't done it since. But this would've been, you know, hurt people, hurt people. Right. So, you, okay. Um, are you okay?

That really hit him. That really? Yeah. That's, that was good. Hurt. People hurt . Yeah. It was so good.

Saddlebacks. Um, I don't know what it was, but I do remember in the moment I felt paranoid, insecure, mad, angry. And I felt like, and, and, you know, like, I, like, I think the biggest part of me was, if I feel left alone, I'm gonna, I'm gonna just, I'm mad. Like if I feel left alone and I'm not getting backed up, like I get mad, right? Mm-hmm. , and I think I'm better. I think I'm better, um, at it. But I do think if I, like, I was aware that I felt alone, but I was not, there was no onus on what I would do about it. Mm-hmm. . And I think there was one time where I felt alone, and I just, and I wrote you a letter. Do you remember this? And I,

That's the other good thing about our friendship. I have no memory yet. .

I, I decimated him in a letter. And like, I'm in, I'm at least in my forties or my late thirties, like, I'm,

Oh, do you remember that? Yeah. Yeah. I

Remember. Yeah. And, and I remember,

I remember seeing you and you were crying, and like, and like, for me, I was like, oh my gosh, I am so dumb. I am so stupid. Why did, where did my brain even contrive any of those thoughts? That this is reality? And I wrote 'em down. Like I had rehearsed it so much in my head. I had played it out. Yeah. This was reality. And then I saw his hurt, and I could go, oh gosh, I was so far off. Yeah. I was off, I was off, off, off. I was on some little dirt trail that had no truth to it whatsoever. Mm-hmm. . And I thought, he has every right to leave me. Wow. He has every right to leave this friendship, because nobody should do that to another person. I have never done it since I had that option. You had that option. .

But I, I, but when I hear him say that, he said that earlier, and it really bok for whatever that was, if it's a Holy Spirit moment or whatever. But I do remember that I've never done it since, because I just, there was just something inside me going, no, I should never do that to anybody. Wow. No one deserves that much decimation to their, to who they are. Mm-hmm. There's nothing inside me that warrants that. And so I was really blown away that he, uh, like, or our friendship wouldn't have been fractured or fissured, or it would've been less than, or we're just gonna kind of limp along now and do our skits and mm-hmm. , see you later. Um, but it didn't, yeah. Anyway.

Yeah. I think, and, and that's very kind of you to bring that up. I, I totally forgot about it, but now I'm can hold it against you, , but, uh,


Jill, but I , hey, girl. But I think, uh, I think the, but there's, there's also like, there's also truth. Like, when he kept talking about he felt alone, like, I know one of my weaknesses is, and I know it's my, the nine in me of not wanting to confront anything. Like, and not knowing, is that right? You know? But I should always have his back, you know? Mm-hmm. . And that's one of the things that I've, I've had to learn is to have his back. Or if I can't have his back, at least tell him why I don't think I can have his back. Mm-hmm. , you know mm-hmm. , and that's going through the tunnel of chaos. You know? I mean, I mean Yeah. You're, but, but he also, in talking about that, another thing we talk about is you, you, you've got to give benefit of the doubt. Yeah. You know, one, one of the, one of the greatest struggles in friendship is that you don't give that person the benefit of the doubt at some point in step back and go, wait a second. What am I thinking? Like, that's not them. You know?

That's what he was just saying about coming up with his own, going down a whole path. Like literally going on a whole path in Yosemite. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. That was not even truth at all. Anger.

Anger allows you to write the end of the chapter. Anger. Anger. You know, they say whenever you get angry, it's the, the endorphins that releases as just like watching porn. So it's, it's a hit. And if you like anger, you're gonna like that. Like, so for me, anger, anger controlled things, anger made me powerful. There was, there was, there was force, there was weight, whether you believed it or not. Like, uh, let's stay away from that. You know, you're gonna, you're gonna kind of go under it, right? Um, anger allows you to write the end of the chapter. And most of the times that chapter should never been written. And it was wrong. Um, and, and, but if for some reason you were right. What, what happens? It's not like you feel peace, positive reinforcement. Your anger is like, aha. I told you, I told you. They were like that. I told you, I told you, I told you. So it's just this, this negative loop that you just stay in. Yeah. Anyway, it's right at the end of the chapter.

We, we used to, when we would travel, when he was struggling with anger, like, I'm up, I guess I'm an optimist, you know,

I call him Ronald Reagan a lots. Okay. Ronald Reagan. Okay. Ronald. I'd be like, I bet it's gonna be fine. I, Ronald just be like,

Okay, Reagan. You know,

You know, and I like,

I shouldn't, I shouldn't be positive.

I dunno what you do.

Anyway. Well, this is the best marriage podcast we've had so far.

Real, this sounds like a book plug, so please forgive me that the book we wrote, it's a great marriage book. Yeah. Just nobody's looking for a marriage book from two, you know, but

It really is. But it really, yeah, it really is. I mean, yeah, it's every, like, there are things in us that if I see with me and my wife, I go, well, I don't do that. As stupid as I don't do that with Tommy, why are we doing this? Right? I know this is, I know this is what works. Why are we not even going there? Why are we not so, you know, but yeah, these things that we've talked about are so good, is how we live life. Mm. Yeah. And do life.

So is the way out of the path of non-truth imagining of a story, you know, like you're going down this path going, oh, I, I think he's thinking all these things and he's feeling all these things. Is the way out of that to do what you said, which is to assume good motives.

Oh, I, I think it's both assuming good motives and asking questions. Mm-hmm. You know, I mean, I mean, we will, there's occasional little times that either one of us will go, Hey, I gotta ask you a paranoid question, you

Know, a paranoid question. Yeah. That's a great, yeah. That's actually, can I ask you a paranoid question? And it just goes, I'm Yeah, sure. About this. Yeah, that's right. I hope I'm wrong. Yeah. I've written the end of the chapters on some things, so, good. Good. Can I just, good. Can I ask you a paranoid question? Yeah. Yeah. How percent, right? Yeah. Mm.

Yeah. That's huge. You know? Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . I mean, we, we, uh, in the world we live in, we just, we don't assume the best of other people. Mm-hmm. , we do write the end of the chapter. You know, Eddie mentioned earlier about, you know, social media. We, we, we believe what we don't know about others based on what we do know about us, you know? Mm-hmm. , which is just never healthy. You know, all of those things just can, can destroy friendships. Mm-hmm. , you know, and so the key is just to, to talk about it, get it out there, and assume the best of each other. Mm. I think we do that. I, I think if either one of us does the other one wrong, and we both mean we've both done it. Yeah. You know, we've both done the other guy wrong multiple times in this friendship. If either one of us have done that, you know, I think we've gotten at least to the point where we go, I know he didn't mean to. Hmm. That would never have been his, that never would've been his intention. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. And then you gotta talk about it. Right. Right.

Are there that you guys disagree with in this whole, the past two years that you go Oh, yeah. Like some legit, some political things, some theological things, or the things that you guys really actually don't see eye to eye on? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. We're, we're not on the same page on a lot of things, you know mm-hmm. , but they don't matter. Mm-hmm. .

So how do, how have you gotten through that? Or, or what's a good practice?

Sometimes good and sometimes


Yeah. You know, we've probably ribbed each other on some of them more than we should have. Yeah. You know, and other times I think we both realize that it doesn't matter. Yeah. You know? Yeah.

I've learned to keep my mouth shut more, which is hard for me because then I think, well, the justice in me is like, well, I'm not speaking truth. I'm not dealing with things. Right. We're not, we're not getting to the bottom of things. We're not putting the crap on the table. But I also go, uh, is, is this really something I need to, is this what, what is this within me that really wants to uhhuh battle with this? Because there's gonna be other things. Mm-hmm. , there's just humans, you know? So is this the one, is this the one that I want to, I'm wanna throw up right now? This's so good. Anyway.

Yeah. I think we should all be resisting the tribalism that's overtaking our world right now. Mm-hmm. , if I feel like I'm falling into a tribe, I sure should be questioning what I'm believing and thinking about things. Yeah. Because it's killing us.

Who's discipling you into that? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. That's exactly right.

Um, guys, there's some really good stuff there. Yeah. We're gonna, we're gonna keep a little bit of it. ,

It's not you, the budget, it's not you. Do we have a budget best,

So no,

Thanks for letting us talk a little bit.

Yeah. It was awesome. Yeah. We wanna do things that are helpful,

Encourages our friendship. Mm.

I think everybody also knows you guys are funny mm-hmm. , and they, they know all the things that you show them, right? Mm-hmm. mm-hmm. . And so this, like, for being someone who's seen you guys for a long time. Yeah. Uh, as we were talking about before this aired, like False Creek oh one maybe, you know, is how far we go back. Yeah. Um, it's cool to see the reality behind all of it. Yeah. Which is really nice. Yeah.


You. Speaking of reality. And ask hats. I'm wearing my ASME hat. You are, because I think it's a really funny bit. You know what I mean?

That's, that was his audition. But hat Yeah.

It's your

Ass cat. I am the as cat of the, of the room. So ask me. I'm a volunteer hat. Yeah,

It's good. Isn't

That a great band?

I hilarious.

Nobody else thinks its funny. Oh

My gosh, it really is.

So a friend made me this. Ask me hat, I'm a volunteer.

It's fantastic.

May have gotten you into Po Lo players.

Oh no.


Maybe what got 'em out it exactly.

Audition right there. That would be aud.

Okay. You guys picture yourselves. You got a red hat. It says ask me on it. You're a volunteer. Okay. We're gonna do, uh, just quick round questions. Great. Okay. And this is for both you Yahoos. Um, I did text Fields and Josh Griffin just to gimme stupid things, but they didn't really help that much. . That's very true. Except for we did have Rick Warren, um, and Johnny Carson. Johnny Carson on. Fantastic. And apparently you have a really great bit about that. Eddie James.

Do I talk about that ?

I just me.

Okay. I'll go quick. So 22 years old. Yeah. And gave my testimony in church. Yeah. This was when Saddleback moved over to the, the land. When we had the land. Um, I I was engaged once. Yeah. And it ended. And so I'm talking about


Jill. Not Jill. No. Uh, so I was talking about the hurt and the da da da da da. And, and when I mentioned her, the, the sound system went, and so you and everyone jumped and I did. And ad lib. And I said, is she in the room, Anna?

Everyone laughs


Laughs. . And then, and she was, and no, she was, she she was. She's at the sound board. long

Gone. And so, so Doug Fields, who's, you know, every time Rick didn't want to preach, Doug's Doug's up to bat, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you, Doug's, Doug's amazing, right? Yeah. Doug's funny. All, all of it. So I'm in the back of the tent with Rick and Doug's right there. And this is like 1992, he says, oh, and Rick says, I don't know if I should say this. You can cut it out. Anyway,

, do whatever you want. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, it's a great, it's a great story. It's a great story. Say it very, it's a great story. So Rick

Says, oh my goodness, that was so great. What you just did there with that ad lib. That was amazing. There's only three people in the world that can do that. Me, you and Johnny Carson

, but Fields. Fields he's likes, like, right there. Oh my gosh. Just like, and, and for me,

I'm 22 years old going,

I guess so. Yeah. Never thought about. Oh my gosh. What club? Yeah. Doug, can you get me some coffee? Doug Cream. Two sugars. Two sugars. Thanks, Mr. Fields. All right. We may or may keep that, but may keep that . That's a great story. It's a great story. Okay. Your go-to coffee order. Go. Uh, black coffee. Yeah. Oops. Yeah, both. Wow. That's true. Right? We'll cut that out. Mm-hmm. , , pet peeves. Oh gosh. Pet

Peeves. Um, for me, yes. I, I'm not a per indirect messages hate em. Indirect, indirect. Passive gratin. Yeah. Okay. Indirect messages. Just tell me mm-hmm.

, don't,

Don't make me try to fig Don't make it. Don't make me make it my idea. Just talk to me. Yeah. Feel so disrespectful.

You wouldn't like Nashville . That's very true. Funny. Uh, gosh, I'm a nine. I don't know. . Everybody's ok. How do you like your eggs? However, yeah. You, what's the, what do you think? You think I should have my eggs ? I dunno. What are pet peeves? I don't. Yeah, I'm sure I do. I've got, uh,

Uh, disrespect, disrespect, disrespect,

Disrespect. Can't handle it. Like, there's just no need for it. If somebody is disre disrespectful. Yeah. You know, I mean, we're all on the same level. We're in the same level. There's no benefit. I don't, there's just, yeah. There's no reason for that. Okay. Wow. I direct messages. I hate direct message. , like I said, skit or screenplay. You wish you wrote. Oh God. I wish I'd had these

Both speed around. No, this is a speed round,

Huh? Um, I still, to this day, I love, and it, and it's probably in so many things that I do. Uh, planes, trains, and I own bills. Like, saw it by myself when I was a teenager. Um, paid the ticket. Didn't know what I was getting into, but yeah. That was like a beautiful, because it was two comedy heroes of mine. Yeah. And then they do these dips, and you're like, and that was, that was acting. Yes. That was amazing. Yes. John Hughes, genius. Genius. Mm-hmm. . Anyway. That's amazing. I'm still trying to chase that one. Yep. Yeah.



Little known movie called Don Verdine Don that movie So much. I try to get people to watch it all the time and nobody will

Watch it. Sam Rockwell's in it, right? Yes,

It is.

Check it out. I love him. Yes. Good. Okay.

Don Verde is so funny. Okay. Yeah.

But some of those 10,000 minutes. Yeah. Yeah.

He's a biblical archeologist. Who? It's just so funny. . Okay. . I'm sold with that summary. It's so

Good. That's how I am with Waiting for Guffman. Nobody ever, everybody's like so good. Uh, what

I'm like,

Is you him? That is what my favorite movie of all time. You're gonna a Love.

Okay. Don, it's so funny,

My wife and daughters watch waiting for Guffman maybe every other week. Yes. Uh, my 18 and 16 year old and my wife.

Yeah. We can, we get their numbers at some point.

I watch Party. They

Would watch Waiting Go for Guffman, or talk about waiting for Goman. Let's, they they could quote the whole thing. Yes, please.

Let's do that. On the tour of us the other night, we're talking about movies. I'm like, waiting for Goman. I'm just like, you're an idiot. Whoever. What? Waiting. Who do

You like? A mighty total creep. You like a mighty win. I

Do. Yeah. I love, I love all of them. I just, so


Yeah. Uh, bucket list. Go. Oh,

Golly. Um, I don't know,

, other than being on this podcast,

My life is like, sit on the back porch with my dogs. Like, and I'm like, so, you know, for real, this is, we have a movie. That was the greatest dream of my life. I, I've, I I, I told Eddie the other day, we don't get to ask God for anything else. Like, like, like we

Got a soundtrack, like on Spotify and Apple, you know, and Amazon. Like, oh, we have a soundtrack. I, I guess, I guess we're done. There's,

There's, I mean, Tim and I aren't on that soundtrack. No big deal. Yeah.

Rh. Who? It's fun Red.

That's great. It's

Fun. Walker.

I will say a bucket list. I know it has to do with work, but it, um, but it, it's, it's like, I would love it if this movie does well and bucket list is we're over the next decade and a half. We're, we're churning out really good things. Hmm. Yeah. You know, it'd be cool. Yeah. That would be, that would be great.

Yeah. The truth is, okay guys, this kid, guys because of Eddie James, like, it takes both of us. And it's teamwork. And I am not downplaying me. Yeah. But he is driven

Driver. Yeah.

He has dreams. We would, we would, we would, year after year, he would, he would say, well, what do you wanna do this year? And I'm like, , well then here are the five things we're going to do.

Are you okay

With that? No, that sounds good. Let's do that. You know, uh, nineties. The nineties, the nineties. Yep. What a horrible decade. . not as good as the eighties. Sorry.

Are we talking about pop culture? Or what are the nineties? What,

What just came to your mind? Darth Brooks. Thank you. He

And I gotta go to Saddleback. Yeah. And so when I think of the nineties, 89 to 97, that was life changing for me. Mm-hmm. Because I did meet Doug. Great decade, Doug. You know, if you think about Mark chapter two, you know, the friends put the guy in the mat to Jesus. Okay. And then it was youth workers and then it was people like that. You know, the friend that put the guy on the mat to Jesus said, we got an idea. Even though the house is full, we got an idea. We're gonna throw you up on the roof. We're gonna get you, we're gonna get you there. Right. And then, so then you have people in your life, each one of us in our lives that threw us on a mat and said, I've got an idea about you. I've got an idea about you.

Mm-hmm. , if someone believed in us. Yeah. I look at those that year and this insecure, angry orphan kid, you know? Yeah. People pleasing, doing the dance to get the hug. Yeah. Trying so hard to stay in this machine. There were still people along the way, still to this day. Mm-hmm. still to this day. Like a Doug that goes, I had an idea, I got an idea. I'm gonna put you on this mat and I'm gonna take you further than you thought you were gonna go. You're gonna do more than you thought you were gonna do. And even when you get like a baby and you're insecure and you do some just stupid things, I'm still gonna love you. Hmm. And so that's what the nineties are to me. They changed my life. Wow. Yeah.

Swish. You said Garth

Brooks, man, . Oh, you know what, for

Real? I was a youth pastor in the nineties at a small church in Texas, and some of the greatest ministry of my life took place during that time. Mm-hmm. , I think about the individual ministries, the pain, the sorrow, the suffering, the excitement, the joy. Um, I know those were great years. Hmm. You know mm-hmm. , they really

Were the nineties into the nineties we started like, yeah, Rick Warren would have me do a skit and it was usually call on a Thursday night and it was, Hey, hey, I want you to do a skit over point number two. So Thursday night I would get a skit and then I would assemble a team together on Saturday morning, cuz at four 30 we're up and you'd have six services. Yeah. And it was like a comedy club in front. I remember. Yeah. One of these people. And we'd go and we'd do the same thing Tommy and I did in high school. We'd get off stage. Okay. Take out that line. You said this, I said this, you say this, I say this, but take out, take out that, that, that and that. Okay. I would have the wherewithal cuz I would see product. Yeah. I didn't, I wasn't a guy that could do product.

Yeah. But I would give a cassette tape to the sound booth. I still have all those cassette tapes with all these skits on him. Mm-hmm. and a lot of, lot of those skits. When I moved back to Texas, it was like, here's all these cassettes. Can we turn them into two man things? Yeah. And we did. Yeah. And I will say this, in the nineties, starting in the nineties to where we are today, Tommy and I, however this has worked, we've never sent out a flyer. There's never been one church in the country that has gotten a flyer saying book the skit. Guys, you know, there's, there's never been anything. Mm. It's always been word of mouth. And I think, you know, whenever that stops, I think we're done. You know? Mm-hmm. like, but for whatever reason that phone is always rang. Yeah. And we've, we've never sent out promotion about us. And that all started in the nineties. It was just word of mouth. Yeah. That's cool. About around 1996. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Anyway.

Well, um, we actually, it's so interesting cause we got a flyer saying, Hey, can they be on your podcast ? That's


I don't wanna That was nineties. This that is probably true. 2 22 this movie. That is

Probably true. That's probably true. That's probably true. We've put

Out flyers for the movie, movie . I'm totally not kidding. Yeah. Hundred percent. You guys, thank you for being here with us. You guys are for retreat, really excited for all the things that are happening in your world and for the sake. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 400. Yeah. This was fun. Yeah. Duh

Duh. Sweet.

Jill. See Jill. Hi Jill. . Okay. Skit guys.

This skit guys, they've been friends f basically forever. Yeah,

Yeah, yeah. Which is beautiful. The they're still going. Yes. Number one,

The, I mean, commitment. They're committed to each other. Mm-hmm. , um, so much more than their friendship. They're committed to both of them doing what they love to do. Succeeding. Like that's what a friendship is about. That's what being in relationship with someone is about. It's wanting them to be at their best at all times. And they talked about all the gnarly things they've had to go through, um, to continue to stay in friendship with each other.

Yeah, yeah. Intentional friendship. Yeah.

And that's,

It's almost became like a marriage, uh, you know, podcast. Yeah. But it, it really is like covenant relationship with each other and mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Uh, it's interesting cause we got into like, uh, how to apologize and some of that. And uh, so it was interesting to see how they've kind of learned some of those things that old CT taught us. Carol Timmons.

Yeah. I was, I was ct,

Not actual CT from season one. Yeah. But, uh, um, man, I was just soaking it in because one, I, I don't have a friend that's like a lifelong friend my wife does. And I'm a little jealous of it. Um, but, um, I think it's incredible to be able to stay in that commitment like they've done

Mm-hmm. , yeah. Mm-hmm. , uh, the anger stuff. So anger, how anger can, uh, fuel false narratives, I think is what

He said. It could end a chapter. Yes. That's like, that's so powerful. It could end something that maybe didn't need to end, didn't need to finish that way. I thought that was really good.

Whew. And there's so much that can end chapters. I mean, we could just go into that mm-hmm. for a bit on things of chapters that have been ended Yep. When maybe they didn't need to be ended. Mm-hmm. , I mean, even in this whole past pandemic season and all the things Yeah. How many relationships maybe didn't need to be ended mm-hmm.


How many chapters I should say didn't need to be ended mm-hmm.

. Yep. And

Maybe there are times also, I guess there are actually times when seasons are okay to be ended. Mm-hmm. and chapters are okay to be ended. It's just doing it in a, in a beautiful way.

And I think it's about, um, you know, he talks about taking ownership Yes. Of your flaws and your things. Yes. But I think it's about valuing what you have with people over winning a fight, over being Right. Over whatever it might be. I think there's like a very vulnerable moment in, in the episode where he is talking, um, to Tommy about that letter he wrote. Yes. Oh wow. And Tommy's like, oh, I remember that time. He doesn't dig into it. He lets him just kind of almost re apologize for it. Right. Yeah. So there, there's this, there's this rethinking of I'm committed to you so much more than I'm committed to. Never looking bad or Yeah. Being right. Yeah. Being the better friend or whatever that might be. And that translates into any kind of, you know, relationship you might have with people, your family, your communities. But it's about, we're doing this for us. It's a US mentality so much more than, um, I'm trying to save my image or do the right thing.

Yeah. It's interesting, I just thought about this, but it reminded me because after the podcast was over, well we sat out here and talked for like, I don't know, an hour Yeah. Or something. And it made me think of like the Manisa podcast. So like they've developed this thing within themselves to lean into relationships. Mm-hmm. and, and you could see that not just when the mics were on, but like when, when we were just hanging out and like digging into your life and I'm talking to Tommy and just getting to know each other and like, but real conversation. That doesn't happen. Yeah. Very often. Yeah. But it's become kind of innate in those guys, right.

They've practiced that, they've

Practiced a lot. Practices so much that it's become natural to do with other people.

So good. Mm-hmm. so good. So, uh, guys, the title of this is Own Your Part. So I love the ownership mm-hmm. mm-hmm. part of this mm-hmm. . And I'm trying to practice those with my kids and my wife and friends. But so the practice is, is in a hard place with a friend or loved one, reflect and take ownership on your part. Mm-hmm. , it is just, I mean, it's just, it's humility. It's having a right view of oneself. Right. And the one, the person that you're with mm-hmm. , gosh, that is so big. So if you try that and practice that this week, uh, would you let us know how that goes?

Yeah. Come below, uh, check us out on social media. Sometimes we have lives on Fridays. Yeah. You can come through and let us know how these practices are going or what you're learning.

Yes. Or questions that you have about this, or other topics that you think that are kinda related to this. Mm-hmm. you want to hear more about. And, uh, you know, there are people that you're like, Ooh, would you please interview this person? Mm-hmm. . Cause I'm so curious about what they'd say about this. So again, the whole idea what 10,000 minutes is, how do we practice joining Jesus in the midst of these things? So we're practicing joining Jesus in our ownership of our things. Not with shame saying I'm the worst, but it's like, yeah, I did that. I totally did that. Mm-hmm. . And so if you wanna go back to Carol's, my mom's, um, uh, whole episode on apology, uh, might be great too. So guys, thank you for listening and if you are, uh, let's see. Alexa, K. We've got Alicia. S Thank you for jumping on and being part of our, uh, supporting team. So financially supporting us. You can go to 10,000 minutes.com and there's a place that's donate and you can donate monthly or a one time. It's kind of, we are totally funded by you, so Right. Thank you. And you can like, subscribe, share tickle

. Oh,

Have to always bothering me.

, why are people

Poking? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What does that mean? It's like waving high, but it's poking. Stop. It's hurtful. Okay. Own your part. Own

Your, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Own your part. That's not, don't

Poke me. Yeah. Own your poke. You know what I'm saying? Okay.

Okay. Now I, I crossed the line. You did. Okay. These where we cut it. I'm so honest.

criticism when you go

. Okay. I try one joke,

I I just learned something. He can't do it when he is laughing. , try

It. Well, which one

Poking. You want me to do the cricket thing? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. See you guys.