211: Adam Weber on Understanding Our Obstacles, Preventing Auto-Pilot, and Making Space for Each Other

Episode Summary

Pastor and Host of The Conversation Podcast, Adam Weber invites us to love people well by understanding our own obstacles, being mindful of our schedules, and making space for the people we meet today. Tangent Included: The Skull Shaver (not sponsored…yet)
 Practice: Make Space For Each Other

Episode Notes

The 10000 MINUTES Podcast is a weekly deep dive into the adventures and struggles of living out our daily lives WITH Jesus, not for Him. Also, we like to laugh. A lot. Maybe too much.. Ok, maybe too much.

Episode Summary:
Pastor and Host of The Conversation Podcast, Adam Weber invites us to love people well by understanding our own obstacles, being mindful of our schedules, and making space for the people we meet today. Tangent Included: The Skull Shaver (not sponsored…yet)

Practice: Make Space For Each Other

If you’ve found this or another practice helpful, let us know at mail@10000minutes.com and we might include your story in a future episode!

Show Notes:
Adam’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/adamaweber/ 
The Conversation Podcast: https://www.adamweber.com/theconversation 
“Love Has A Name”: https://www.adamweber.com/books 


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Episode Transcription

Self-awareness is huge. I think that season brought it up to me and really just put it in my face of just like, Hey, yeah, this is a crappy situation, Adam, but you're not totally innocent. Like how you've ran for the last decade is caught up with you. And what's it like to be on the other side of you?

Hey everybody, welcome to the 10,000 Minute podcast. My name is Tim Timmons. We've got, I'm Chris, Chris Cleveland. We've got Mo Mo, Denise, and that's m o i.

And your favorite, not, let's face it. My favorite.

My mom's.

I was fishing for, for a compliment, but thanks guys. Let's

Be honest. What would this podcast be without you? It's

Not on the air, that's for sure. Okay. It's true. Do they call it this? Say that on the air . How old? We

Need a red light

On air. Yeah.

Yeah. On our Friday things at Mo I've been doing these Friday. Yeah. You know, hangout. I just don't come. No, it's okay. You're doing great. Okay. Um, but everybody's basically like, yeah, Tim, that's great. Thanks for saying that. But why don't you mo what do you have to say? Some like

Actually insight force.

Yeah. Sweet Mo.

What is Moha Moe



Okay. So, uh, speaking of Mo, oh, that's, yeah. What's my Siri? Yeah. Juan Siri. If you say, hey, he's calm, Mok, it'll say You mean Mo? Yeah. Very fancy. Uh, this week we've got a guy named Adam Webber from the Sioux Falls. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , who is very good looking. I mean, I'm just, I'm gonna put that out there.

Right, right. So

Must because it's look like looking in a mirror for me.


It really was guys. It was kind of crazy.

Um, so yeah. So he is bald like hot, which is the synonymous, those are the same, same words.

So much to unpack. Yes.

So much to unpack. It's great. Um, but he did you guys, if you are, um, wanting to be more like Jesus, he did have a great recommendation. Does have a great recommendation. Skull Blade.

Well, again, it's not called the School boy guys, but if you watch the, the show today, you'll know the true name of this product.

Gosh, I'm not the, I'm thinking about it. We paid for this. No, no, no. We need do, but I,

The opposite Your Father's Day presences gonna be


Too good.

Uh, anywho. Um, so we do talk about that. No, we, uh, we get into some really great stuff. We talk about being on autopilot. What's that look like in relationships?

Yep. What it does to our soul, um, pulls us out from being present with people, what it looks like to love people. Well,

Ooh. So if you have trouble with being intentional with people, this is a great episode. And I, what I thought was fascinating was that he is actually it. God actually comes natural to him. Mm-hmm. , right? Like even just, just people. And he's, you know mm-hmm. , he loves people and he is fun. But even him, he was having trouble with that. So I was thinking this is good for anybody who's trying to figure out how do I be more intentional. Mm-hmm. just with humans. Mm-hmm. . Um, hey, thank you for you guys who are, uh, supporting 10,000 minutes. You can do that. Go to 10,000 minutes.com. Thank you so much. Just for giving every month. Mm-hmm. , it helps us do what we're doing. Thank you. Hopefully it's encouraging to your soul. Um, that's one thing. Also, if you wanna like,

Subscribe, follow, share, share. What else? Tic Tac, I don't know. Join our

Instagram wise. Come through

Please. On Fridays. Mm-hmm. . Uh, yeah. We love, we wanna hear more from you. Mm-hmm. . Cause it's really helpful for us to know what you're dealing with, what you're going through, and just to know you so mm-hmm. . Um, anyways, without further a ado ado. Gosh, where does that come

From? Who knows? It's like more, it's French.

Yes. I am French. That's where my name goes from. . Or just my name being

French. Bulgarian. A thousand times French Bulgarian. Okay. Um, any ba Any bays. Any bays. You guys enjoy this next episode with Adam Webber. Okay, everybody, welcome to the 10,000 Minute podcast. My name's Tim Timmons. I've got Chris Cleveland.


Hot updo today.

Oh, it's always up. Yeah.

It's a hot updo.

It's either this or your, your buzz. That's it. Well,

You know, I have been noticing a lot of guys lately coming to me saying, Hey, I came your way. I, I haven't gone all the way yet. They've, they're just usually

A, they're like a, a one or two or something. Yeah.

They're just doing the one and they're just, they're nervous to go all the way. And Adam, we'll get to you in a second. Cause I can tell that you, I dunno if you're

Afraid he's not afraid,

Baby. Are you get afraid.

a bald one.

A moist to my right.

Yeah. I am not bald. No, you're not. And my hair is not up.

Bluss locks.

Thank you guys. Luscious. It's actually extra frizzy, but I do appreciate you seeing

Me. Yeah. That was my name in high school. Am my potential. Yeah. Luscious LuxS.

Seems, seems right. Oh,

I thought it was frizzy . Okay.

Okay. Um, I actually did have long hair in high school.

How long? Yeah.

Don't worry about it. Maybe you guys should stop giving me crap.

Wow. We're just trying to invest in you. Tim.

I'm here for you. I had Luscious locks. Le old. They all call, call me old. Luscious. LuxS. Timmons. No, though.

Oh. L l l T.

Nice. We have a guest today, .

We have a guest in Front Blue. Speaking of

Lucious, luscious Locks. Uh, we've got Adam Weber, everybody. Oh yes.

Excited to be here. So

Excited to be the fans. Went wild. Um, and, and Adam, you've got Luscious Locks as well. Mm-hmm.

. I do. I'm, I have no lush locks up there. I just rec I just recently I've been telling every balding man. I know. Yes. Yes. I just recently got a, a thing called the Skull Shaver. Oh,

Whoa, whoa.

You that takes it down to like,

Is it in the, basically nothing, is it in the shower? Is it the thing that you Yeah.

You can use it in the shower. I don't, but I, I've normally for like the last 10 years, I've just used the Clippers, which gets it pretty low. Yeah. You're one then I, then I saw I was Yeah. Basically not even a no guard. Just take it down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But this skull shaver, I'm not, I I, I shouldn't get income from this, but was this

Like a social media ad?

It's, did they get you or did you

That's great call. No, a buddy of mine had it. He was like, look at this thing. And I had never seen anything like it, so I searched and got one myself and I love it. So

My, it's so, it's an actual razor.

It's, uh, like a electric razor that you usually use on your face, but specifically designed for the top of your head. So

I'm gonna, I'm, I'm gonna, I think I've

Seen this and we just need to reach out for a little sponsorship. Just, just

A little bit. Duh. There we go. But does it go all the way down to the skin or do you still have a little stubble?

It goes all the way down to the skin. Okay. Like it's, it is definitely like close friends of like, have you charted, like bicking the top of your head? And I'm like, no, I'm, I don't have, I

Don't want you're to point people towards this because all

You fell is just check the show notes, you

Know? Yeah. What's it, what's it called? The skull. Skull blade. Got the skull.

The skull Shavers. Blade Skull. Skull

Shavers. Terrifying Skull blade. That's, that's what we're gonna come up with. That was my

Nickname in high school. Skull Blade.

Okay. We're now, we're just reaching guys. Okay. . Um, well everybody, if you're not, if you're listening and not watching this, um mm-hmm. , Adam and I could be brothers from another mother. Love. Or the same mother. Or the same mother. Yeah. Could be the same. Yeah. And let's just keep it right there. Good cousins, distant, different dimensions, cousins. Mm-hmm. . Um, it's fine. Um, everybody, Adam is a dancer and we'd love for you to talk just about some of your, uh, newest moves. .

Oh my gosh.

He's a, he's on viral on TikTok. That's what we have here. No, no, no. No

Thing from a dancer. I have no dance moves whatsoever.

Oh gosh. . Okay. Well, I don't know what we're gonna talk about tonight. This, the other Adam, um, oh dang. . J slash k. Um, Adam, I've just seen you online on the Innerwebs, um, on the Instagrams. And I just appreciate the things that you say. And I just reached out going, dude, come on and hang out with us for a little bit.

Yeah, no, I've been following you for a while myself. And yeah. Just have a mutual appreciation. I got next to nothing figured out in life. And yeah. I've been here. I'm a long time, born and raised. South Dakotan was away for just a few years, uh, when I got my master's, but Yep. Uh, I'm a pastor, as I told the guy who was trying to sell me a kid's book at 10 o'clock last night in front of my house. I'm the last guy who ever thought I'd be a pastor. Um, but yeah. Uh, just here in Sioux Falls, I'm a huge fan of Sioux Falls. Hmm. Yeah. Got ne next to nothing figured out, as I said.

I love that. Okay. So why, why did you never think you were gonna be a pastor? And what does that mean today? Like, how does that make you feel today doing this?

Uh, well, the, well, so the guy, the, his 19 year old, uh, fella, I'm the last person who ever thought they'd be a Christian to start with. Okay. Um, I grew up, uh, in the church, uh, Luther and all my extended family is Catholic. And my earliest memories of life, not just church, are me hating church and trying to fake illness as a three-year-old, four year old trying to not go to church strong. Um, so had a definitely a, a change, uh, heart change, uh, later on in high school. And then still, I just never saw it as how my, I'm, I'm kind of an entrepreneur, heart love. I just, I'm just fascinated by, by business in general. And so I got my business marketing degree in college and I always thought I'd do some just different things, whether it's generosity or just looking to bless people through a business.

I'm like, I always thought it'd be so cool just to, to have a place where it'd be like just different uniquely run business. And, and then the summer before my senior year of college, through the craziest circumstances I filled in for a pastor. I was 21 years old and, um, filled in for a pastor against my will. And within the first week, there was three ladies in that church that had terminal cancer. Hmm. And I've always been a person who just, I, I just don't like surface conversation. I really like, Hey, how are you doing? Yeah. And it's okay if you say it sucks right now. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I've just always, when you got terminal cancer, the fluff leaves your vocabulary. I mean, you just say exactly what you feel, whether you're scared or angry or whatever. And I just, that first week meeting, those three different ladies who are my mom's age or older, I'm like, man, this is such a legit thing that you would care to even meet and hang out with me.

Yeah. Uh, with such a joint. So I, I, I knew I was supposed to be a pastor, honestly that first week, but even now, I've been a pastor for coming up on 16 years and I still wrestle with it of just like, if n I just don't, I still don't feel like a pastor. I'm such a work in progress mm-hmm. in every way. Like, even just last night, I'm just like, man, you still are broke. Like, you're just broken. And I, I, you know, just seeing my own shortcomings just grieves me. Just seeing that the parts of me that don't look much like Jesus and, um, yeah. And so, yeah, it's been a, a journey, but just, I continue to be amazed that God can use anybody. And so, uh, that is me. If anybody needs to be encouraged, just look no further than this guy. Cause I got, I got nothing figured out. So . Totally.

That's me. Totally. And that's what we wanted to talk to you about. Um, a lot of your people have been calling us, having, oh boy, here we go. A lot of things to say about you. Um, this isn't too rough, man. So, so Betty from Sioux Falls said, Adam is a total. Yeah. Yeah. Um, okay. So, so why do you have the shirt kind on? And I, you know, you, you, I, I'm curious about how we love people. Well, that's kind of what I wanted to lean into you about, cuz you, in your book, love has a name and the stuff that you talk about, there's a lot about loving people. Well, and even on your bio, you talk about loving people. Well, and so I see kind right there. So I'm just curious like, what, what does this, what does this look like? Why are we not kind? And what's it look like to be kind?

Oof, man. So the, the shirt is, uh, some random thing I did a few years back to raise, uh, money for a school in Haiti. So that, that's, that's where the shirt came from. Strong, strong, but, um, no loving people. Well, so, uh, the book, the book, when I, when I wrote it, I was coming out of, uh, the hardest season of my life, uh, went through a hard, uh, situation here at the church. Leadership-wise, it's always come naturally for me to care for people. Like genuinely, I'm just, it the la the kid last night, he literally, it's nine o'clock, nine 30 at night, might have been, but even been later, I'm talking with my neighbor and this kid stops at the end of my sidewalk, Hey, uh, I wanna talk with you. And my neighbor walked away cuz he didn't wanna talk with this guy.

Perfect. So he's like, he's like, have fun with that. Oh my God. And I'm like, shoot. I'm like, come on up here. Yeah. And he's like, uh, you know, like he's almost shocked that I want to talk with him first. Yeah. And then I'm like, Hey, grab, grab a seat. And at first he didn't even grab a seat. Cause I think he was like, this is not how this works. And was he selling books? Is that what he was doing? He was selling books. And, um, so I've just genuinely, I just wanna know his story. Yeah. I'm like, how old are you and what are you doing selling books that it's dark out. Right. And so I've always been naturally just curious from people. And I, I've naturally had a heart for the person who doesn't fit in. Uh, I don't know if this is weird to share, but I was not the, uh, in elementary school was really, really hard for me.

Mm-hmm. was picked on all this kind of thing. And so I've always had a heart for that kid who didn't fit in Hmm mm-hmm. . And so it's, again, it's come naturally for me. But a few years back went through this horrible situation and for the first time in my life, I didn't wanna love anybody. Hmm. Nobody. I wanted to love my wife, my kids, a few close friends, and that's it. I mean, I, I would, I didn't wanna be a pastor. I, I was so fried from people and hurt and Yeah. I just didn't wanna love anybody. And it's like, well, uh, uh, Adam, you're following me and I'm, I'm telling you, you need to love everybody. And so it's like, what does that look like? Uh, for the first time in my life, I don't wanna love anybody. And so I had to really figure it out, like, see what that looks like.

And so I've been on this journey since then of, okay, how do I love people? And I, I just don't want to. And for, for me, how, how do you love people? Well, uh, I think it's just noticing people, you know, the kid last night, he told me his name 17 different times. I legitimately asked him five times at least, and I still couldn't figure it out. Yeah. But I, I think he was shocked that I just cared about him. You were trying. And I offer, yeah. I offered him a bottle of water. I, I started asking him about his, you know, his family I asked him about, and you could just tell he got up and he is like, man, thank you so much for this, this. Like, and, and I, I think just noticing him and also, uh, but I don't always do it.

Well there, um, uh, something I grieve a couple of ago, uh, we were, we were purchasing something with a company and, um, as a church, we've been working on this, this purchase or whatever. And, uh, we were at this business and the, the person's like, oh, this is actually our c e o. Like, you should, you should meet him. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, I'm, I, I'm thinking to myself, he's busy. This is a big company. Yeah. Um, and so I was like, Hey, hey man, nice to meet you. And he's like, thanks so much for doing business. I'm like, no, that's, that's no problem. And a part of me was like, you should ask him how he's doing. Yeah. But I was like, ah, he's busy. Like, he doesn't need this Yahoo asking about like how he's doing. Yeah. And I, it's a public thing, so I'm not sure anything I shouldn't, literally three nights later I got a text message from the staff person that was with me, Hey, just wanted to let you know that person took their life.

Oh my gosh. A guy that you met. Right. And I'm like, what? And I was like, are you sure it was that? And he Yeah. Like the person that that we got introduced to and it just broke my heart, you know? And so, uh, whether it's a neighbor kid dropping his bike off in front of coming to my house or this guy, like, there's something powerful about being like, just seen. Yeah. Mm-hmm. and I, and I think the, the person, the teenage kid, as much as the c e o is just longing to be seen. Wow. Mm-hmm. , you know, the, the kid just did not be like, feel like he's a nuisance. But you know, the c e o, like, no, I don't want anything from you. Like, I'm not asking for money. I'm not asking for a hookup with some connection that you got.

Yeah. Like, I just wanna get to know you. Yes. Like, how are you doing? Yes. And so I think when you just see somebody, there's just like, uh, it makes that person feel loved. I don't wanna get all pastors here, uh, in the, I think it's one of the johns. So John's writing these letters and he says, when we love one another, uh, his love is made perfect within us. And I, I, it is so cool. So I've been on this journey of like trying to intentionally love people and all this kind of stuff. And I don't know what it is, but it almost is addicting. It's like contagious. Like, something I've realized is when I'm restless, Hey Adam, why don't you go serve somebody love somebody? Cuz for some reason when you do that, like it gets you outta yourself and for some reason you just feel at peace or you feel like a sense of love.

And so I was, I was thinking about those words from John and, and I, I've always thought about it like, when we love somebody, they see the perfect love of of God inside of us. Right. Which is so rad. Right. You know, like, that's, that's the legit, but I just had this moment where I was like, no, but it applies to you too, Adam. Like when you love somebody else, my love inside you is made perfect. Mm-hmm. And that's why I feel so good when you're loving somebody with no strings attached. Cuz you're never closer to my heart than when you're doing that. Mm-hmm. mm-hmm. , whether there's CEO who's thinking about killing himself. Yeah. Or it's this kid. And so I'm, again, I'm all pastor issue, but there's something about it that I'm like, man, like I just, when I do that, when I live that way, there's something inside of my soul that it's like, I feel more human right now than I have all week.

I think that is, I mean, instead of being pastors, I mean, that, that is the most human of humans right there. I you said it so well at the end. I mean, that, that is what it means to actually probably be human if it's Genesis one and two. And that was the intent of just who we were and our identities and loving each other. Well, God. Yeah. It's so human. I love

It. Well, and it's, uh, and yet like, you know, like just, just in our divided world, the next news story that comes out and everybody's all over the place. Mm-hmm. , like, I even find myself angry. But what I don't find myself angry is when I'm sitting down face-to-face with someone that I disagree with and actually having conversations, then I'm not angry. Yeah. Mm-hmm. . And so there's something about like, just getting face-to-face with people and seeing them and hearing their story. Uh, even if they disagree with you, that's just like, yeah, this, this feels right. Like this is how mm-hmm. it should be. And so I, I, um, again, like genuinely, whenever I'm restless or anxious, which happens often, one of my first things is like, how can I go outta my way to love somebody today? Yeah. And when I do that, when I kind of have that approach to a day, it turns into the radis adventure ever. Yeah. It's like, I did not expect to meet this person. Right. And to be here at this place. So,

Well, I love, yeah. Do you have a

Thought? Yeah. I just, you mentioned about a season Yep. Where you felt burnt out and

Didn't wanna love people, didn't

Wanna love people. And I'm curious what holds people back? Is it, is it the burnout of loving in this way? Or is it just other factors? Is it margin, is it fear? Hmm. What exactly holds us back from having almost the energy and the curiosity to be that awake and aware every day to love people?

That's good. I, I think there's maybe two different besides that. So the season, uh, a few years ago was really feeling hurt. And so I think what kept, like, if you're really hurt or jaded, I, I think what kept me from wanting to love people was almost this screw you mentality inside

Me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Of like, of like, I'm not doing that again. Mm-hmm. , I'm not let, I'm not letting myself be hurt again. Mm-hmm. , like, you're not gonna hurt me again. Like mm-hmm. kind of like these walls again, for me, I've never really had those walls because I've just, I mean, I just, it's just naturally I, like, of course I'm going to. So I think for me in that season, I just didn't wanna trust anybody. Yeah. Mm-hmm. , like, I was like, I don't trust anybody. Like, like, uh, uh, uh, and except a few close friends, my wife, kids, Jesus. Like, that's it. So I, I, that's what kept me. And I think, I think for that person, what I would say is this doesn't lead to a good place. Like, for you, it just leads to a really jaded, bitter, miserable existence. Mm-hmm. . I, I can remember being in high school and or even in college, and I used to just think, again, I'm so, like, joy comes naturally for me.

I used to think, at what point do you become a jaded old 60 year old man? Mm. Like, how do you get to be that angry? Like, really, like you're, that ang like, I just couldn't understand how a person could be angry. Now I ask the exact same question, but the opposite. Hmm. Hmm. How do you get to be 60 years old and still assume the best about people Mm. And still genuinely wanna care for people mm-hmm. because that feels impossible. Yeah. You know, it's the, it's the exact thing, but totally opposite. I'm like, right. How do you do that? So that's, that's for that kind of, that, that situation of the hurt person for me. And it's really probably my only challenge now is for that person who's burnt out mm-hmm. or, or like me, I try to do way too much. And so I'll slam my schedule.

Like, even last night, I actually, my wife said, she's like, what are you doing tomorrow? Like, and I'm like, what do you mean? And she's like, have you seen your schedule? ? And so it's, it's easy, it's easy for me to overload myself mm-hmm. . Yeah. Mm-hmm. . And when I, when I overload myself, people quickly become objects annoyances. Right, right. Hindrances, nuisances. I mean, it's like all the negative things, like Yes, yes. Yep. You are, you are just like, something to bother me, take from me, whatever. For me, that's not, doesn't sound like Jesus first off. Yeah. And secondly, again, doesn't sound like a very good way to live. Yeah. Mm-hmm. . And, and when I get in that mode, I've always said this, I feel like, uh, when I do this for a long amount of times, I'll tell my wife, I feel like a robot without a soul. Hmm. Right. It's just like, I feel like a machine right now. Anytime, anytime we feel like machines and robots without a soul, we start treating other people like machines and robots without a soul. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And that doesn't lead to a good place.

Ooh. Did you hear that? I love that. That's so good. Have you guys ever felt like someone treated you like a robot or a machine? All right. On the other side of that, how many times have we treated other people like robots or overlooked them to do whatever things we need to get done or even to do God's work? And then lastly, how often do we treat ourselves and our very lives? Like we are machines? Just look at your schedule. Let's just check in for a moment. Am I making time to see people and be present with them? Am I making time to be present myself and with God even in this moment?

And so for me, and I've really, uh, I've really been trying to, this is, this is a growth area for me. I'm standing in to that person who's been through a crappy season for me. Mine was 2018. I'm standing in the best season of my life right now. Mm-hmm. , like, I love life so much. I can't believe after that hard season that I'm in the best season. Um, but my only challenge is to make sure I'm not overloading it. Right. And then again, that back get to that place for me, what I need to do is I need to make sure I have space mm-hmm. , just even bet between something to breathe. Yeah. And not to cram it with social media and scrolling. Yeah. But just like, just like that time to be still and notice that like right now today in Sioux Falls, it's gorgeous.

Like, if you don't realize that it is like the most beautiful day and you're in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, you're living like a robot without a soul. Right. I mean, but there's so many days like this that I don't notice. Like it is gorgeous out. Yeah. You know? Yeah. And so I think just having that, that bandwidth, because when I have that room, I'm still, I still work just as hard. So it's not laziness. Mm-hmm. I st I, I, I still work just as hard, but I, if I just have that buffer, or if I just start the morning, like I did this, this, this morning, me and another buddy in town, uh, we've done it twice now. Uh, it's the weirdest thing ever. We, it's a walk in talk. So he's a therapist in town and we just, we did this about a month and a half ago, him and I, he's just like, Hey, instead of grabbing coffee, do you wanna go on a walk?

And I'm like, sure. Well, three different friends of his saw him and three different friends of mine saw me. And a couple of them said, well, I'd like to hang out with you guys when you go on a walk. And so he's just like, how about we just like, invite other people to go on a walk with us? And I'm like, that's, that's the weirdest thing ever, but I think it's fantastic. Let's do it. Yeah. And so, like this morning we did it again and we walked all over on this beautiful morning. You couldn't have picked a and it just makes you feel human. And so when I have back to that question, like with the burnout, if I have some room again, and not laziness, I, I, I'm like, the laziness, like for me is like, ugh, that just how I'm wired. Right. But just having space, then I feel human.

Yeah. Mm-hmm. and I feel I'm, I got a soul inside me. Mm-hmm. And then I start treating other people like humans. Mm-hmm. , like they got a soul inside of them. And I can tell, you know, love each other like as yourself, you know, it's like, well, I, I can't love others like myself if I treat myself like crap. Right. Or I view myself like crap. But gosh, when I know that I'm human, I, I, it just comes easier for me. Yeah. Like, I, I just have more grace and I'm like, man, I've, I know what it's like to have a crappy day. I get I bet. I bet she, I bet he Yeah. Is having a crappy day. And so that's long answer, long.

I've been just thinking this whole idea of autopilot mm-hmm. has really, has been really shaping me these past like, few months. I mean, how much of my life is on autopilot and non-intentional. Yeah. And it's like those same days that you could have the same amount of things going on, or you could have, you know, the same calendar, but it's autopilot or intentional through that and it's work to be intentional. Mm-hmm.


Yes. You're in good company, man. Tim and I walk and talk all the time. Mm-hmm. , that's how our relationship really got. But we like, get it. Do you guys sweat when you walk because we're, we might like, compete and just see who can speed walk a little harder. Uh, okay. I love everything you're saying and I relate so much. The burnout, all of it. Mm-hmm. The like, fill my calendar stuff. I love the idea of like, you are what you practice. So we can practice either like being miserable every day and be 60 and hate people, or practice loving people every day and be 60 and still find like curiosity and joy and life. I'm wondering what the switch was for you, uh, in that dark season Question to, to go from, because I had a really similar season in 17, uh, in 18. And there were a few moments in my life when I can, I can pinpoint and say, oh, that small thing or that thing, like really flipped a switch mm-hmm. . And for me it was really like weird things that weren't like life shattering, but, but it did make a change. What was a change for you that got you back onto, um, opening yourself up to loving people again? Mm-hmm.

, oof. Maybe, maybe two, um,

Different, I, sorry, I don't wanna jump in, but does it have anything to do with the moment that you became really bald ? Cause I feel like when you're closer to Jesus. That's right. That's kinda what he did.

The moment I actually became really bald. Uh, this is another thing I tell men that I see any receding hairline. I'm like, one of the best decisions you'll ever make buddy, just go for

It's sc blade down

Ash. Do the


Just, just just go down as far as you can. I'm

Holding out so I can grow a beard when says , I don't wanna go bald before I grow a beard. You know, I, I just feel like you need one or the other.

You do need one, or you do need one or the other. No. For, for, for me, it's kind of two different things. Um, through my dark time, one of the things that got highlighted inside of me was the people pleaser. And, um, I, I mentioned elementary school, whatever. Well, we moved in sixth grade to a new town. And I went from being the biggest loser in my class to having the cutest girl in the new town call me, uh, in this new town. And I thought it was a joke. Hmm. Like, I thought it was a setup and it wasn't. And so then like from then on, never struggled at, at, at all. Hmm. But I struggled my whole life with being a people blazer. Mm-hmm. , you know, like just those hidden lies that you have inside you, not to get all therapists and whatever, but what were the lies?

If people really get to know you, they'll, they'll leave you. Okay. Mm-hmm. , like, they'll find out the nerd that you were, um, before this new change mm-hmm. And before you went to college, they'll find out the true story and they'll be done. Like, you're not that special. You like, you, they might like you at first, but if they get to know you, they're not going to Yeah. Mm-hmm. . Yep. Which is a terrible way to be a pastor because, um, so I, I mean, I was just people pleasing, people pleasing, people pleasing. But you look back, that's not love. Right. Like, you know, love that. That's not love. That's like, if I do enough, will you love me? Right? Mm-hmm. , like, it's kind of like this backwards manipulation. Yeah. Honestly, it's like, so I, I, that was one of the huge things of like, no love is like, regardless of how they feel about you, you know, I had before that hard season, I can't think of anybody that would've said like, even thought hard things or bad things about me.

And so like, I just weirdly began to like, no, like, love, like, has no strings attached. Even though your love has not looked like any strings attached, you still are doing this in hopes that they'll like you. So I, I think that was a huge shift for me. And also like a, another huge shift for me was just like, you know, as a, as a leader, as a boss, like, I, I, I, I didn't do a great job of caring for my team, the staff that worked for me and not, I was never like this hard angry boss ever. That's the opposite of me. Right. Right. People pleaser. But I had, you know, I, I, I ran hard and, um, and so I, I think just even like acknowledging that like, um, that that's, I, I'm surprised I'm even saying this, but like, I just really like No, like they got, your team has to know you care about them, Adam.

Yeah. Instead of just like, like, and so like, that was a huge shift. The other thing that for, for me was just rhythms. Like, uh, which I feel like is like the, a hot word right now mm-hmm. is like, have healthy rhythms, but as a recovering workaholic, that's a, that's a ary for me. So I just Right. A as far as like having some space in my schedule and, uh, starting off the day of just being still with God, be still, like I sit outside my, my front of my house and I watch the birds and feel the breeze as I'm, you know, reading through the book of Mark or I, I think just having those healthy things to start off the day reminding myself I'm human. Um, because when I skip that and immediately jump into my day, I go into robot mode. Yeah.

And, uh, again, that like, it's just like, no, that you're not gonna do the day very well like this. And then it's hard to get out cuz it's like, well, I got another meeting, another meeting, another meeting. Right. But when I start out the day, not just on Sunday morning, and it sets me up, like, for, for me, I'm one of those people, the moment I'm not walking with Jesus, it's, it's like, it's evident. It's not like evident three weeks from now, it's evident as fast as like, if I unplugged that light right there, it would turn off and you'd be like, man, that light was just working five seconds ago. I don't know why it's not working. Well, if you plug it in, like I, I probably will work. So you plug it back in and 10 minutes later someone trips and unplugs it. I don't know what's wrong with that thing. It won't work. Well, I bet if you plug it like, that is my soul, the mo like in the most non pastors way. The, the moment I'm not walking with Jesus, it says evident as like, unplugging me. It's like, man, this thing was working. My soul was working five seconds ago. Like, I don't know why. Well, if you plug it back in, it probably will work. This is, oh gosh, thank God the light still works. So

What's, what's that mean to plug that in and are you just seeing that? Because for me, I, I feel that internally, I don't know if other people see that maybe in the Hmm. But what, what's that look like to plug in and I Yeah,

Go for it. Yeah. You know, like there's the typical, like, read your Bible. Right, right, right, right. Pray. Like, so I, that's part of it. But for me it's just like really that, you know, brother Lawrence practice in the presence of God, like, just like the throughout the day like, Hey, hey God, like I would you just help. Like, I'm just worried about this. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay, cool. Like, it's not like, it's not like this, you know, like pray like close the eyes and all this, it's just like, Hey, I could really get you. Like, Lord, help me to come into this next meeting. I like, I know this is gonna be a hard conversation. Like, I think just, and, and also just acknowledge like, it is just beautiful out today. Mm-hmm. , like, that's just, you know, like, just like, I think it's just that pace of life that's sustainable and it's not just me trying to do it, it's, it's really just this acknowledgement of God throughout and I love it. Yeah. You know, even like, even in those conversations where you're just like, I just wanna, like, this is so annoying, , it's like, God, would you just help me to understand, like, they might be going through some things and like, I just, it's, it's just that kind of throughout the day and the most non, I don't even know how to explain it.

No, that's beautiful.

Yeah. The word I keep coming to mind, like keeps coming to mind for me is like awareness. Like, it seems like you're able to become self-aware at some point and just figure out, Hey, this is what I'm doing. That's a tough road, right? Yeah. Like, that's a big one, right? Mm-hmm. , we've, we've almost have to be self-aware before we can be aware of other people of God, of any of those things. Mm-hmm. . So I'm curious how you figured that out. And then the other things just seem like you're just opening yourself up to be aware of where God is and where he is moving. Mm-hmm. and then you're able to see God and other people and meet him there. Mm-hmm. . Um, tell me how you became self-aware

Or becoming, how you're becoming self-aware.

Yeah. Well,

Yeah. Yeah. I, I honestly, it's, that's maybe it like self-awareness is huge. I, I think that season brought it up to me. Uhhuh. . Yeah. Um, and really just put it in my face of just like, Hey, yeah, this is a crappy situation, Adam, but you're not totally innocent. Like mm-hmm. , how you've ran for the last decade is caught up with you. Hmm. And what's it like to be on the other side of you? Yeah. And even though you're not this angry boss, are you an anxious boss? Cuz people feel that Yeah. You know, what is your motivation? Yeah. And so I, I think the self-awareness, whether you're a leader, whoever you are, it's the greatest gift that you can give to your coworkers, your spouse, your kids. Hmm. I mean, like, I think, and I think when we acknowledge it, it's just like, oh, he sees it.

Okay. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. I can have grace with that person. Totally. It's the person who doesn't see it and doesn't acknowledge it. Yeah. And it isn't working on it. I mean, a buddy of mine, if they're self-aware and they're, they're working on it, I got all the grace in the world. Right. You know, and people are, it's so, it's so bizarre. People are drawn to that person. Totally. You know? Mm-hmm. the person who's still broken, like the person who's still Yeah. Very broken. If they're self-aware, people are like, I'm in her corner, I'm in, I'm in his corner. Mm-hmm. like I'm with them. Yeah. Yeah. But they're kind of, yeah, totally. But he's working on it. She's like, you know, like there's just, so I, I think, I think the awareness part is huge of just myself and also what you said of, of God, of just being aware of where God's at work and where he, where just where he's at in my life and in my, my my day is huge. And those two things together are, are critical, but I think also given permission mm-hmm. to people to tell you like mm-hmm. close friends Yes. And your spouse and just whoever for them to tell you. And also they've maybe been trying to tell you for 10 years,

Right? Yeah. You

Know, it's like I've been trying to tell you, you just haven't listened. Yep. And so, um, for me that like really that was, um, I think that's what what I felt like God was telling me was, Hey Adam, uh, whether I caused this or not, the situation, I've been trying to get your attention with this people pleaser thing since you were a little kid. Mm-hmm. mm-hmm. mm-hmm. . And now we're gonna deal with it. Yeah. Like, I, I like now you have to, I mean, you have no options. Yeah. And so I think that that was, uh, a, just a huge part of it. But that awareness piece is, is is so critically important.

It makes me think of, uh, we we're talking to Bob Goff and his, one of his things that he would always do is, is say, what's it like to live on the other side of me? Just like what you said. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And that line is, I mean, I never really thought about it as like a recipe for self-awareness. Mm-hmm. , it really is just like a great practice or rhythm to put into play as like, what, what's it like on the other side of me? Yeah. You know, no judgment. No. Like, I'm terrible. It's just, huh. I'm just being curious about that. Mm-hmm. mm-hmm. . And then I love the idea of asking, but it, that can get a little dangerous too cuz certain people have been trying to say that like, my wife's probably trying to saying things for the past 10 years. Yeah. Subtly . Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, no, I don't understand what you're talking about. And then she'll say something like, no, I'm not, you're an idiot. You're done. You gotta come in ugly. Yeah.

Open everything .

Yeah. Whatever. It's so that, I mean that, that is probably the basis of self-awareness. Yeah. Yeah. Is coming with humility, a right view of oneself, which is beautiful and tainted. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. So good. Well,

Something is something else too, and this is so I don't, I can't even fully explain this. So Enneagram, I am a three achiever mm-hmm. , climb a hill, reach a goal type of person that is in my wiring. And yet since that time it's, it's, uh, I've hit a wall like a ceiling where it's, it's almost so strong. It's physically there. It's in a way that I can't even explain like, Hey Adam, like I'll reach that breaking point and it has to come, it has to come from God or be God cuz I'll hit this like wall. Like you can't do anything more. Mm-hmm. , you need to cancel the next appointments. Mm-hmm. , you need to, whatever. And at first when it would happen, I would get angry cuz it's like, no, you need to, I need to do

This. Yeah. I can do this, that.

And I still got four things. And so I would get, I would be in a room by myself getting angry and God was like, that's awesome. Uh, you're not going to . You know, like, like yeah. I, I would just be like, and I didn't even, like, I don't even know what is stopping me, but it was so, and now I'm beginning to realize, uh, that is the kindest thing that could possibly

Be done for somebody like me.

Mm-hmm. . Right. I've just like, again, it's so hard I can't even explain it cuz I am a, I am a get the ball to the end zone type of person. Yeah. And it's like, no, you tell me that I can't, it's just gonna make me dig my heels

Even watch this.

Yeah. It's like, but it's just there. And I, I don't know what that looks like for, for whoever's like in different people's lives, but that for me, it, again, at first it was such a frustration, but now I see it as the greatest gift. Yeah.

I'm a three as well. And, uh, sounds like we've got really similar stories,

Both douche bags. Yeah. He said Dru Dru is a new, it's derivative. It's Bulgarian. Bulgarian. Yes. Uh,

I met a Bulgarian guy this week,

. That's, that's why they came out. Yeah.

Uh, so sounds like we're kind of on similar path to this year. I've decided, and this is probably my three coming out in a weird sideways way. So I've like decided, well, I'm not gonna create my own adventure this year. Which would, which would typically, cause I'm a musician, it's like go out and make tours and make sure I've got a full calendar and I'm mm-hmm. just killing it and making money and all these things. So I said, okay, God, I am gonna do one weekend a month and I'm not gonna try to do one weekend a month. Like, let's see if you can provide one. And it has been a tough season, but every month I'm in my, my calendar's almost done now for this year. And there was a stretch of about eight weeks between February and March where my one weekend a month was like the first weekend and then the last weekend of those two months.

And I was about like week five. I was like, I'm a worthless human being. , what am I doing? You know, but it, it's been a, it's been a really interesting exercise over the course of time and I'm sure my wife has some ideas about how interesting it is too mm-hmm. because of especially that little, uh, piece of time. But it's an interesting exercise of faith, like, God will you provide if I don't create my own way mm-hmm. . Um, and that's one thing. And also like, can I create space and can I make this margin? And, and then what can I fill it with and what kind of like life giving things can I fill it with? And so, you know, it's been, it's been interesting, uh, to say the least, but that's not everybody's story. But I can relate to kind of where you are. Uh, for sure.

Yeah. One of the what kind of, kind of some a thought that came to mind. So I often will in the past have worked it where I will try to, uh, make a connection happen. Mm-hmm. , right. Or, or like, I'm like, gosh, if I could just get to know that person, then that could possibly happen and that could possibly happen. And a shift that took place in me is, um, and it was, it's so, so my, so oftentimes I would be able to make it happen. Like I would actually get myself into a room. Right. And every moment that I was in that room, in quotes, I was miserable because it felt like I needed to keep performing for the person. Mm-hmm. I needed to keep dancing to make them feel impressed. Yeah. And it was just gross. Yeah. You know, I'm like, I sold my soul to get in this room. I need to keep doing it. Yeah. And, um, something shifted where I'm just like, I don't, why do I keep doing that to myself? Yeah. Mm-hmm. , I'm miserable. Yeah. Yeah. Something I've noticed though is when God or whoever opens the door for you, because you weren't singing and dancing to get yourself in the room. Right. When you're in the room, you can just be you, Adam. Yeah.


because they actually wanted you mm-hmm. mm-hmm. , they didn't want some crap version of you. Yeah. They didn't want you selling your soul or spinning plates or whatever. They just, they just picked you. Yeah. And so, uh, and that's again, that's hard for someone wired like us. And yet it's so, it's, and it's just like, man, then there's so much peace in this room. Yeah. Right. There's so much joy and there's this person I never thought I would ever have like be in the same room with and I'd have no pressure on me. You could

Be aware of other people. I mean that, that's when you're seeing, that's when you're seeing a kid in that moment. That's when you're seeing or wanting to have seen that, that yes, the CEO is, you're actually able to, there's enough space in your heart that you're putting that into the rhythm of your life to see other people. Just that intentionality is so good. Man. I love

That. I also, I think we're rethinking stillness with people. That's what it sounds like. We're val, we're reintroducing the value of being still with people not in maybe a physical, non-moving way, but in, in the chaos in mm-hmm. in the whirlwind of your life and pausing, you have to sell books. But we're gonna pause for a second, which is what Jesus practice stillness with people. But when you do that, it triggers almost the insecurity of what if I'm not something. Mm-hmm. Right. So if I practice stillness with people, what if I'm lazy? Right. What if I'm not performing then? Right. What if I'm not someone who, you know, is a creative? Cuz now I'm not creating. So there's like a, an interesting point of when I'm still with people, I'm inviting them to also value being present, but I'm also surrendering my biggest fear of what if I'm this other thing and if I'm still enough, it's gonna be exposed.

But really there's like a beauty of like, we are both so fully present that it doesn't really matter what we're producing right now. Like this has as much value as the seven meetings I had this morning. Mm-hmm. . So it's, it's almost a rethinking of like, how are we still with people that's not a 30 minute meditation. And if it is, that's awesome. But the reality is like everyone is such a different place that can we be still from dancing, performing. Right. Gaining, creating to where we acknowledge I'm just me right now. You're just, you right now. Wherever that is. Even if this conversation is not my favorite , I'm, I'm practicing being still. Cause I want you to value it as much as I think God values it,

It makes me think again. And like, you've gotta be able to be still with yourself. Mm-hmm. . And it reminds me of like, when Jesus said like, I've come so that my joy might be your joy. Like the most joy I've ever found in my life. And you just said this a second ago, it's like in those moments when you're still with yourself and you're present to other people mm-hmm. and you trust God for those things, like all the other crap kind of goes away. Yeah. And uh, and that's where like satisfaction and joy and happiness, wholeness, all of those

Things. Blessing.

Blessing. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. come and, and then well we can get in the reciprocal of it. Like you were talking about love, it's like, well I'm loving this person and it feels like a gift, but actually I'm getting it. And it's like, oh wow. The whole point is this reciprocal communal nature of like, everything. Yeah. Mm-hmm. and maybe that's Jesus' whole point. Hmm.

Yeah. To get, to get to that though, it's so crazy cuz you can have it in yourself, but then to have another person in that mm-hmm. is, uh, I mean it's so foreign now mm-hmm. like Right. Because of who just, even myself, it's so foreign for it to happen. I, I read recently, I'm rereading all my seminary books and, uh, I've been reading through all of Henry now one's Mm. Uh, stuff recently again, which is just incredible. Mm. But he talked about a dear friend of his and um, he said, we, we met, we said hello, and for 40 minutes we sat in stillness with together unintentionally. And I, I got, I felt uncomfortable. Yes. Just even reading it. Yes. I'm just like, what does this look like? You know? But he just said, he, he, I, I think he used the word how intimate it was just with his friendship.

And I thought what a powerful I I I I can do that with my wife. Like we can be totally quiet and yet connected. The only other person that I, I and my kids as well. Um, I can do that of just being like with my daughter. I mean, I like, she's still at the place where she'll let me put my hand on top of hers. Yeah. And my, my dad is the other person that comes to mind. I can, I can be in the presence with my dad and we don't have to say a word mm-hmm. , um, and still feel intimately connected. And yet that's such a unique foreign thing. And I'm like, we need more of those, those relationships where it's just like the, you know, and, and maybe you're watching a game together or you're mm-hmm. you're, you're, you're doing it like at a concert together, but you don't have to even speak and there's just this holy connection of just being still. Yeah. And I, I found my, at first I was uncomfortable reading it, but at when I got close to the end of kind of that little story in the book, I found myself belonging for it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. , I'm like, man, I just, I long for more of these relationships where you're just, there's no performing, like, we're not even talking to each other. Right. And yet, um, it's such a foreign thing.

Love that. Mm-hmm. . I love that. There's so much good in this. Thank you so much, Adam, for being on this with us.

Yeah. This, this is the, honestly, probably one of the most candid conversation podcasts I've ever been on. This our

That's baby. We Do's

. This is something

Special. And you have a podcast called The Conversation. Is that correct?

I do. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's, um, it's, I've had it for a few years now, and it's been just a fun journey. Um, it, the reason I continue to do it, hopefully it encourages somebody else, but it's given me an excuse just to connect with random, random people, uh, here in Sioux Falls. Mm-hmm. , uh, there's not a whole lot of people coming through Sioux Falls, so it's fun to connect with people, authors, musicians. But even here, locally, I, I'm doing a series coming up where I'm, I'm just interviewing friends of mine here in Sioux Falls. I'd have no platform or following and Yeah. Yet have beautiful stories. Did we

Play Sioux Falls the other day? I felt, I, I texted him saying, Hey, I think we're near you. Yeah, I think we did. I feel like we were close. Yeah. Yeah. And it hurt my feelings a little bit that he didn't come. He was like, yeah, I've got other things to do and to perform course. No. I was so sad

That I missed

It. No, it, it doesn't hurt. Not that bad. . Um, okay, bro, we've got, uh, 10,000 thoughts real quick. This is speed round. Do the right thing. Okay.

. Oh, guys.

Um, do you know a Bulgarian?

I do not know a Bulgarian Don't

Either. I don't know. The last time I talked to him.

I know two now. You know, two now. Yeah. Don't worry about it.

One a zero right now. . Yeah. It's

A competition. The three heads ahead. Let's go.

I mean, yeah, I was just thinking about it. That was just such a random, or a Bulgarian . I just met a b

He was just, just sharing life with us. I like

That. Yes. Let's go

. How about you not talk and we'll just sit, not talk. Um, actually we've done a lot of that many times. Um, cause on the road you just, okay, I'm gonna shut up. Okay. This is 10,000 thoughts. Okay. Uh, last place you visited,

Last place I visited, uh, Bismark, North Dakota, which is such a weird thing that, that's where I was last week. Oh,

Wow. Is

That even, I think we're, I don't even in cast long Bulgarians.

I, I got Bismarck is so cold. I mean, it's cold in South Dakota, like Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it is brutal in Bismarck, but away from that, gosh, what a, it's actually a really legit town. I don't know. I'm an old house guy. It's got a really neat old house district and downtown's got this. A sweet coffee shop, brewery, all this kind of stuff going on.

Gosh. Thank you. Uh, something you're bad at.

Oh gosh. Everything I, I, I wish I was, I I'm bad at construction type stuff, like building stuff and I wish I wasn't. Yes. But

Do you have like an inflated sense of ego around it or confidence? Because I am too. But I'll walk through like a furniture store with my wife and be like, I could build that table . No problem,

Man. The only thing, actually the only thing I've ever built was our kitchen table. We have it at our guest house right now, so it's still in existence, but that's the only thing. And I might have had help from a friend who was actually designing it. So there you go.

Gosh, you didn't find your match . Cause Chris like, yeah, I think I could totally build that. Oh, see, that captures on right now. I could totally do that. It

Seamstress. No worries.

The best thing, sorry, really quick. When we're on the road or anywhere with people, crystal sees something like a business, he's like, huh, I wonder if I could get into that. Yeah, I think I could do that. Business. . So then he starts asking me all these questions about how to like start. Yes.

Oh yeah. That

Is, that is 100% me is I

Got the BNL figured out thing. Hundred percent.

Yeah. , we were talking to a guy, we're getting driven somewhere on the road. Yeah. Yeah. And he he

Delivered puppies.

He delivers puppies. Yeah. And Chris is in the back going, will, if I wonder if I, how much do you get per dog?

How much does it cost? Like how long do you have to keep these dogs? What, how much a day does it cost to feed them? You know, it's a,

Oh, okay. You at the age of 21.

What, what's the question with me? At the age of 21, I

Believe I just gave it to you. You at the age of 21. Mm-hmm.

me at the age of 21. What I, um, I, I was, uh, getting my master's degree at the time. No, I, I was going into my, I was my last year's school of college. I was getting my business degree at August, end of college, uh, was dating my wife, um, who had become my wife had no idea I was gonna be a pastor, but still didn't wanna be a pastor.

Right. Uh, how far is too far? I'm sorry, that's the wrong question. That's, I've got a note for my kids. . No, I, I

Probably pushed that too. Uh, but for me, I always have to ask that question and like, meeting a random stranger and it's like, can I, can I invite them into my home? Can I invite them to supper? I should probably talk my, to my introverted

Wife. So good. Sorry. I was just on a high school, uh, youth trip and so that's, that, that question's on my mind. Okay. Um, happy place. My

Happy place is my, my chair right out in front of my house. Eden Peanuts, feeding my squirrel named Patrick. Good

Old Patty. So much there. Patty. Uh, favorite favorite TV character?

Favorite TV character? The, um, the mom on the Goldbergs.

Oh, my friend is on that show.

Oh, she name Drop is my favorite

Habit. Pl twist. The

Mom . Yeah.

Not the mom.

Okay. Bad habit.

Bad habit. Oh my goodness. Uh, chewing my nails and saying yes. When I know. I should probably say no.

Strong. Uh, pet peeve.

Pet peeve. Uh, people celebrating the downfall of other people.


Ooh. Ooh. Gosh. That could be a whole podcast. I know,

I know. I was like, okay, . We'll, we'll write that right after this.

Uh, Adam, thanks so much for being on this with us. Yes.

Thank you so much.

Uh, thanks. Thanks to the three of you and genuinely and thoroughly enjoyed this.

Good. Well,

Thanks. You small razor. Is that,

What was Skull? Skull blade. Skull Blade. Skull Blade. Oh gosh. Skull blade. 2000. What was it? Was it Skull Razor? I

Don't remember.

Instead of like being paid for


A skull. Shaver Skull. We

Need to get, you need to

Make them a sponsor.

Skull Blade. Yeah. We got the wrong skull Blade. 2000. Okay. 22. Uh, next time we're in Sioux Falls, ignore us again. See you later. That's for

. Good to see you, man.

Thank you guys. This, thank you so much.

One thing I really loved about our conversation with Adam Weber today was just his ability to be self-aware. I think a lot of his ability to be able to love people and meet people where they were. Yeah. And then kind of do most of the things that he talked about in the podcast, was because he was able to come to a place and just acknowledge himself mm-hmm. and some of these places that he was lacking or trying to perform or, or, you know, doing too much. Yeah. Honestly. And, uh, I think a lot of us can find value in taking a step back and saying, Hey, who am I? And like, how am I to be around? Like, how do other people perceive me? I think you said that in the podcast as well. It's, it's such an awesome and, uh, incredible valuable tool that we have. If we can just take a step back, be a little self-aware. Uh, it gives us opportunity to do a lot of things in life.

Yeah. When he asked himself, so what's it look like to live on the other side of me? That's right. Yeah. That is such a profound comment. When if we are all able to ask that question, what's it look like to live on the other side of me? Whether it's people that you work with or your family mm-hmm. , my kids, my wife, coworkers, you guys.

Yeah. In this conversation, I think Adam Webber invites us to rethink stillness with people and kind of invite ourselves and others to value being present in the middle of the chaos, in the middle of the crazy, um, busy world we live in. Or a tragedy to take a moment to just kind of breathe with other people. And maybe that's what we can walk into moving forward after this conversation

Is just being,

Being still with people. Valuing it by pausing and seeing who's in front of you and who's asking for maybe your attention in that moment. Yeah.

Mm-hmm. .