311: Relationships: Parenting with Jim Burns

Episode Summary

Season 3 is all about relationships, the ways we navigate them, and practices to help relationships thrive. Today, Author and President of HomeWord, Jim Burns, answers some of our big Parenting questions! Jim encourages us to parent by seasons and get curious about what currently has your child’s attention.

Episode Notes

Episode Summary:  Season 3 is all about relationships, the ways we navigate them and practices to help relationships thrive. Today, Author and President of HomeWord, Jim Burns, answers some of our big Parenting questions! Jim encourages us to parent by seasons and get curious about what currently has your child’s attention.

Practice:  Lean Into What Your Kids Are Into. Where do you see their attention going to lately? Sports? Gaming? Fashion? Be intentional! Learn their world and lean into what currently makes them feel seen. Let’s practice quality time with our kids this week! No matter their ages!

Show Notes:
Book “Understanding Your Teen”
HomeWord Podcast